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The bet365 online live casino Translator held the 2024 education statistics work deployment and training meeting

Author: Gao Yiyao Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: bet365 online live casino Published: 2024-09-27 Clicks:

In order to effectively complete the reporting of education statistical data in 2024,Morning of September 27th,Our school held the 2024 education statistics work deployment and bet365 online live casino meeting。Vice Principal Fan Xiangyu、Members of the school education statistics work leading group and statisticians from various departments attended the meeting。The meeting was chaired by Meng Xianjun, Director of the Development Planning Department。

The meeting invited the product director of Shaanxi Normal University Campus Information Engineering Technology Research Institute、Hu Jun, head of the Education Information Division, trains statisticians。The meeting is divided into two stages。The first stage is the study of statistical laws and regulations,The second stage is the statistical business bet365 online live casino for education。

In the first stage, Meng Xianjun, Director of the Development Planning Department, read out the "Notice of the Education Working Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on commending units and individuals with outstanding performance in individual tasks of the province's education system in 2023",Introduced our school’s participation in the provincial education statistics backbone bet365 online live casino and other good results achieved by our school in statistical work in the first half of the year,Subsequently, Cang Xiangrong, deputy director of the Development and Planning Department, led the participants to learn the relevant contents of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" and the "Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China",Finally, Hou Li, chief of the Information Statistics Section of the Development Planning Department, read out the 2024 education statistics work task breakdown table。

Finally, Fan Xiangyu made a concluding speech。Fan Xiangyu fully affirmed the achievements of our school’s statistical work,Combined with the current situation of school bet365 online live casino work, the following requirements are put forward: First, we must attach great importance to data bet365 online live casino work ideologically,Take all statistical work seriously;Second, ensure the authenticity of the data、Accuracy、Integrity、Coordination,Effectively improve data quality。Third, we must strengthen the data review mechanism,Check at all levels、Responsibility at every level,Making the data evidence-based、Evidence-based。Fourth, we must enhance the awareness of data confidentiality,Maintain statistical data security。

In the second stage, Hou Li, chief of the Information Statistics Section of the Development Planning Office, will explain the changes in the comprehensive statistical indicators of education in 2024,Introducing the data quality inspection work organized by the Provincial Department of Education this year,And explain the key indicators and "error-prone" indicators in data reporting。Subsequently changed the system from this year by Director Hu Jun、Specific operations of the system、bet365 online live casino on frequently asked questions etc.。After the bet365 online live casino, the participating statisticians exchanged and discussed the doubtful issues,Director Hu Jun gave a clear answer and explanation。

The Development Planning Office hopes that all departments will bet365 online live casino together in the future,Strictly grasp the time points,Complete statistical tasks efficiently,Make full use of statistical data service performance,High quality for the school、Connotative development provides intellectual support。

The bet365 online live casino Translator held the 2024 education statistics work deployment and training meeting

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