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[bet365 login Translation Commentary] Inspiring youth and never ending - written on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China

Author: Yi Zhixuan Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: Party Committee Propaganda Department Published: 2024-09-30 Clicks:

“All seasons are joyful,The best time in the bet365 login autumn。”We welcome the 75th anniversary of our great motherland in this fruitful golden autumn。In this moment of universal celebration,I believe that every Chinese son and daughter’s heart is filled with endless emotion and pride。Because National Day is not only a memorial day,It is a magnificent epic that carries the rich history of the Chinese nation。Looking back on the past,The magnificent historical picture unfolds slowly before your eyes。

National Day,It is a reminder of history,It is a high respect for the martyrs。From the origin of Chinese civilization to the invasion of modern powers,The motherland has experienced too many hardships and setbacks;However, the Chinese nation has never surrendered,Countless people with lofty ideals have fought for the independence bet365 login country,With their blood and lives, they have paved the road to happiness for us today。

National Day,It is also a cherishment of the present。Now we live in peace、A bet365 login era of prosperity。The city is busy with traffic,Prosperous as brocade;Green mountains and green waters in the countryside,Idyllic and picturesque。We can receive high-quality education in spacious and bright classrooms,Can cultivate sentiments in rich and colorful cultural activities,Can obtain information in a convenient and efficient online world,You can also indulge in the nature with blue sky and clear water。

Looking back at the rise and progress of the Chinese nation,A group of energetic figures are indispensable。This group of young people in their prime have devoted themselves to the revolution without hesitation、In the cause of construction and reform。They used their bet365 login and blood to create today’s China。What does bet365 login look like?I think it should be a red memory,It is a firm belief,It is unremitting efforts,It is the footprints of struggle,It is a story about growth and dreams。

In 1920 in Yiwu, Zhejiang,A young man under 30 years old is translating day and night,Think over words and sentences,So much so that I forgot myself and dipped the rice dumplings in ink。He is Chen Wangdao,The bet365 login is "The Communist Manifesto"。As soon as this book came out, progressive intellectuals rushed to buy it、Read。This also leads to a good saying: The taste of truth is very sweet。General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out,The first full Chinese version of the "Communist Manifesto" translated by Comrade Chen Wangdao has guided a large number of people with lofty ideals to establish the lofty ideal of communism,Played an important role in the cause of national liberation and revitalization。There are many such revolutionary youths,Zhao Yiman、Yang JingyuJiang Zhujun, Liu HulanDong Cunrui, etc.,They used their lives to compose a magnificent revolutionary hymn,The cornerstone of bet365 login China was forged with blood。Their heroic deeds and noble spirit are like bright stars,Inspiring generations of Chinese people to work tirelessly for the prosperity of the motherland。

After the founding of New China,bet365 login are still the new force in socialist construction。When the Beijing Exhibition Hall was built in 1954,The bet365 login commando team composed of 18 young people including Hu Yaolin shortened the original construction period of 478 days to 11 months,Achieved a miracle in the architectural history of New China。Every generation has a long march,Every generation has its own responsibilities。Young people of every era carry the hopes and dreams of the era: those born in the 1970s who grew up in the early days of reform and opening up used their bodies to build a wall of life,Withstood the ruthless flood;The post-80s generation who grew up in the era of rapid national development carry the ruins on their shoulders,Created miracles of life after the earthquake;Born into globalization、Post-90s generation in the information age wear thick protective clothing,Become the most beautiful rebel under the epidemic;Now we are facing major changes in the world that have not been seen in a century,Chinese bet365 login in the new era are also taking on their own responsibilities of the times,They dare to express、Dare to pursue dreams、Full of righteousness、bet365 login in full bloom,All walks of life active in the new era,Has the backbone of the aerospace industry,There are soldiers who defend the country and guard the borders,There are also Chinese athletes in competitive arenas。

No one is young forever,There are always people who are young。Spanish translation: Young people must be determined,Combined with majors studied,Practice excellent skills,Give full play to your enthusiasm、Creativity,Become a useful talent with applied technology based on the needs of future development,Making achievements in the struggle of youth,Shine for the progress of the country。Spanish translation: Young people still need to be virtuous,Moral cultivation is equally important on the road to growth,We should have a high sense of social responsibility,Actively participate in social construction,Contribute your own strength to society;Refining personal character at the same time,Be honest and trustworthy、Respect the old and love the young、Helping others,Become an outstanding young man with both virtue and art in the new era。The young people of bet365 login translation should be the same as all the young people of the new era,Resonating with the country: measuring the land of the motherland with footsteps,Discover the Chinese spirit with your eyes,Listen to the voice of the people with your ears,Feel the pulse of the times with your heart,Walking the Long March of the New Era。This is actually what youth looks like。It is not only an expectation for individuals,It is a solemn commitment to the Chinese nation。Let us in the name of youth,Swear to the future,In the process of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,On the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Continuously draw new grand blueprints,Write a glorious chapter belonging to the youth of the new era!

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