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bet365 casino games conducts 2024 bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention emergency evacuation and escape drill

Author: Lu Yan Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: Brand Communication Department Published: 2024-09-21 Clicks:

According to the work arrangement of military trainers,Evening of September 21st,bet365 casino games conducts 2024 bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention emergency evacuation and escape drill,Aims to improve teachers and students’ awareness of bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention and emergency response。The exercise is conducted by the deputy secretary of the school party committee、Vice Principal、Zhang Heng, political commissar of the military training division, serves as the commander-in-chief,President Ren Yuan, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Training Division。School Party and Government Office、Department of Academic Affairs、Security Department、Heads of the Propaganda Department and other relevant departments and all instructors of the military training division、Counselors and 2024 students participate。

With the sudden sound of the air defense warning,A tense and orderly evacuation operation quickly started。After receiving the order, each regiment of the military training division,Arrange according to the plan immediately,Quickly gather at the designated location,Prepare bet365bet365 best bookmaker response work。Instructors and counselors of each group work closely together,Organize and direct students to evacuate,Students are guided by instructors and counselors,Follow the established evacuation route,Orderly、Quickly evacuate to the designated safe haven。

During bet365bet365 best bookmaker,Instructors and counselors always maintain a high degree of alertness and calmness,They pay close attention to the progress of every student,Make sure no one is left behind or has an accident。simultaneously,They also remind students to stay calm from time to time、Don’t panic,Evacuate in an orderly manner according to the established bet365bet365 best bookmaker route。The students also performed very well,They follow the instructors,No pushing、Not crowded,Evacuated to the designated safe haven in an orderly and rapid manner。Comrades from the school security office also played an important role in the bet365bet365 best bookmaker process。They are busy maintaining order on the bet365bet365 best bookmaker route,Ensure bet365bet365 best bookmaker routes are clear。With their joint efforts,The entire bet365bet365 best bookmaker process was in order,No chaos or stampede。

After a tense and orderly bet365bet365 best bookmaker,All teachers and students successfully evacuated to the designated safe haven within the specified time。Subsequently,Each group quickly started counting the number of people。In a short time,The head count results will be reported to the exercise headquarters step by step。This link not only tests the team’s collaboration ability,It also reflects that the school attaches great importance to the safety of teachers and students。

This exercise is not only a comprehensive test of the school’s emergency response mechanism,It is a profound education for teachers and students on bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention and emergency awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue abilities。Passed the exercise,Teachers and students have a more intuitive understanding of the emergency evacuation process after a bet365bet365 best bookmaker,I also deeply understand the importance of safety awareness and self-rescue ability。Their bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention and emergency awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities have been significantly improved,Laid a solid foundation for building a safe and harmonious campus environment。

Future,bet365 casino games will continue to adhere to the principle of "safety first、Principle of “bet365bet365 best bookmaker first”,Continuously improve the campus safety management system and emergency plan system。The school will increase safety education and training for teachers and students,Improve the safety awareness and self-rescue and mutual-rescue abilities of teachers and students。simultaneously,The school will also actively strengthen cooperation with local governments、Cooperation and exchanges between fire departments and other units,Work together to build a campus security network,Create a safer place for teachers and students、Harmonious learning and living environment。

bet365 casino games conducts 2024 bet365bet365 best bookmaker prevention emergency evacuation and escape drill

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