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bet365 casino games held the 2024 freshmen military bet365 online live casino summary and commendation meeting

Author: Xin Bo Lu Yan Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: Brand Communication Department Published: 2024-09-22 Clicks:

September 22,bet365 casino games2024 freshmen military bet365 online live casino summary and commendation meeting was held at the East District Football Stadium。This conference aims to summarize the results of military bet365 online live casino,Commendation for Advanced,Inspire all freshmen to face the future college life with fuller enthusiasm and firm belief。Deputy Head of Chang'an District, Xi'an,Yuan Weidong, Director of Chang’an Public Security Bureau,Chairman Ding Jing,Executive Director、Principal Cui Zhilin,Supervision Specialist、Party Secretary Luan Hong and other school leaders、Military trainer leaders visited the event。Deans of each secondary college、Leaders of relevant functional departments、Representatives of senior teachers and students、Some parents of students and all freshmen of the class of 2024 attended the military bet365 online live casino summary and commendation meeting。The conference is chaired by the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Vice Principal、Military trainer political commissar Zhang Heng presided over。

As the solemn national anthem sounds,All participants stand at attention,The conference officially kicked off。In the subsequent military bet365 online live casino report session,The military bet365 online live casino squares entered the venue with thunderous momentum,They move in unison,Loud slogan,Not only shows the iron will honed during military bet365 online live casino,It also highlights the heroic appearance of young students in the new era。

Distributive formula in,The freshmen are full of enthusiasm and firm pace,Out of the confidence and style of youth。The subsequent bet365 online live casino subject report showed frequent highlights,From the precise and powerful dagger drill,To display the powerful martial arts fist,Then to the exciting combat casualty rescue and tactical drills,Every program embodies the hard work and unremitting efforts of the instructors and students。What is particularly worth mentioning,Chang’an Public Security Bureau safety education and anti-riot formation drill,Won rounds of applause from the teachers and students present,At the same time, it enhances everyone’s safety awareness,Shows the joint efforts of police and citizens、Good atmosphere of harmonious campus。

Subsequently,Vice Principal、Military bet365 online live casino division commander Wu Zhongyuan read out the commendation decision for this military bet365 online live casino。To commend the advanced,Set an example,The school decided to award the honorary title of "Top Ten Instructors" to 10 instructors including Tang Fuxing who performed outstandingly in military bet365 online live casino,Wang Na and other 10 instructors were awarded the honorary title of “Top Ten Instructors”,At the same time, Zhang Yue and other 100 outstanding students were awarded the honorary title of "Top 100 Students"。Ding Jing、Cui Zhilin、Luan Hong issued honorary certificates to the commended teachers and students,And take photos with them,Thundering applause,Warm atmosphere。

Luan Hong makes a concluding speech。He first expressed congratulations to all the students and award-winning teachers and students who successfully completed the military bet365 online live casino tasks,And pay high respect to the hard-working instructors and teachers。Reviewing the military bet365 online live casino process,Luan Hong highly praised the students for their fighting spirit and sense of team honor。He pointed out,This year we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Looking back and looking into the distance,Under the strong leadership of the party,The Chinese nation has ushered in the opportunity to stand up、The great leap from becoming rich to becoming strong;Looking into the future,New era and new journey,Chinese youth are promoting the construction of a strong country、Showing youthful deeds in the great cause of national rejuvenation、Contribute the power of youth。Military bet365 online live casino is a “compulsory course” for college students,It is also the "first lesson" when entering university,I hope everyone can learn the strong will that is tempered in military bet365 online live casino、The good character created is internalized in the heart、Externalization in action,More confident、Be more responsible and take your own study path、The road to growth and success。Military bet365 online live casino not only tempers the body and mind,It also enhances the concept of national defense and awareness of discipline,Laid a solid foundation for university life。

Facing the upcoming college life,Luan Hong put forward three hopes,Points out the direction for the new bet365 online live casino:First, we must strengthen our ideals and beliefs and cultivate patriotism.I hope the bet365 online live casino will always maintain a sincere heart,Taking "a powerful generation" as the mission coordinate,Integrate the “small self” of youth into the ideal “big self”,Will "please rest assured the party",The solemn oath of "a strong country has me" is transformed into the action consciousness of growth and success,Integrate personal aspirations into the cause of the party and the country,Maintain the tenacity to forge ahead and the fighting spirit to "ask for trouble",Practice real Kung Fu、Hard skills,Strive to grow into something worthy of great use、A talented person who can shoulder important responsibilities。The second is to clarify learning goals and work hard to become talented.Facing the rapid changes in global science and technology,Only keep learning,In order to keep up with the pace of the times。bet365 online live casino should make study the first priority,Always maintain enthusiasm for learning,Study every course carefully、Use every theory flexibly、Perform every experiment patiently,Climbing up the stairs in the process of achieving each "small goal"、Go far‌,Use perseverance and perseverance to make every seed germinate,Thriving。The third is to have the courage to overcome difficulties and work hard.Looking back at a century of party history,The Chinese Communist Party has grown from weak to strong,Unite and lead the Chinese people on a difficult road、Work hard and make progress,Historic achievement、Historic changes occurred,It is a history of struggle that shows the true nature of a hero、Struggle History。Military bet365 online live casino cultivates our indomitable will、The indomitable spirit,The courage to face difficulties and overcome them。I hope that students will continue to carry forward the spirit of struggle and start from themselves、Start from a little bit、Start from now,Keep an eye on the target、With no distractions,Perseverance、Perseverance,One hammer after another,Accumulate small wins into big wins,Turn the blueprint of life into a real scene one by one,Grow up to have ideals、Dare to take responsibility、Can endure hardship、Willing to struggle,New people of the era who can take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation。

simultaneously,Luan Hong’s affectionate message to all teachers and bet365 online live casino,Expressed my best wishes to everyone,And encourage bet365 online live casino to aim high with this valuable experience and insights、Down to earth,Write the new dreams and glory of Western translators in the new era,Contribute your youth to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

As the host announced the closing of the conference,bet365 casino games2024 Freshman Military bet365 online live casino Summary and Commendation Conference Successfully Concluded。This conference is not only a summary and commendation of military bet365 online live casino achievements,It is a profound education and encouragement for all freshmen。I believe in the days to come,Students of Spanish translation will definitely be able to meet new challenges and opportunities with fuller enthusiasm and firm belief。

The leader enters the venue

bet365 online live casino school leaders came to the venue

Welcome the bet365 online live casino flag, salute the bet365 online live casino flag

Everyone plays and sings the national anthem

Chairman Ding Jing issues certificates of honor to the commended teachers and bet365 online live casino

Executive Director、Principal Cui Zhilin issues certificates of honor to the commended teachers and bet365 online live casino

Supervision Specialist、Luan Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee, issues certificates of honor to the commended teachers and bet365 online live casino

Luan Hong, Supervision Commissioner and bet365 online live casino Secretary, made a concluding speech

Vice Principal、Military bet365 online live casino division commander Wu Zhongyuan announced the decision to commend this military bet365 online live casino

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Vice Principal、bet365 online live casino trainer political commissar Zhang Heng presided over the meeting

Proceeding in columns

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War casualty care

tactical performance

Safety education riot and anti-riot formation drill

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