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Author: Hou Yudan Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: School Youth League Committee Published: 2024-09-14 Clicks:

In active response to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s comprehensive promotion of building a strong country bet365 app download with bet365 Chinese-style modernization、The call to realize the goal of becoming a technologically powerful country,September 13,The school youth league committee convened in the library lecture hallThe 16th Qingma Class Lecture and Special Training for Youth League Cadres。Our school focuses on “inheriting the red gene、Studying, thinking and practicingThe theme of "Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists", byLei Bin, associate professor of the School of MarxismLecture on "Vigorously Promoting the Spirit of Scientists—Gathering Powerful Power for a Scientific and Technological Power"。Yue Bei, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Xi'an Translation University,All officers of the Youth League Committee,General branch secretaries of each college、The deputy secretary and all the students of the 16th Qingma Class attended。

Scientific achievements are inseparable bet365 casino games from bet365 app download spiritual support,Lei Bin took the audience to look back at the footsteps of his ancestors,Let them see the unchanging work background of our country's scientific and technological workers "serving the country and the people"。Historic achievements in my country’s scientific and technological undertakings,They are scientists who are determined to serve the country from generation to generation、The result of continued struggle,They consciously integrate their personal ideals into the great cause of national rejuvenation,Write the spirit of scientists on the land of the motherland,Made a major contribution to the motherland and people that will shine in the annals of history。

Lei Bin emphasized,League cadres must have the spirit of scientists,Indifferent to fame and wealth、Concentrate on researchHow to better serve youth,We cannot ignore the real needs of the youth members in pursuit of personal honor,bet365 sports betting bet365 sports betting platform platform We must win the trust and support of young people with dedication。Through this lecture,The league cadres are deeply aware of their responsibilities,They all expressed that they will be guided by the spirit of scientists,Continuously improve your overall quality,Contribute to the development of the league organization。

In his lecture, Lei Bin also elaborated on the close connection between the spirit of scientists and the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists。She mentioned,Scientists have the motherland in mind、The patriotic spirit of serving the people is in line with the original mission of the Chinese Communists,In the long river of history,Countless scientists practice their loyalty to the motherland and dedication to the people with practical actions。Lei Bin encourages Western translation students to pass on the red gene,Actively learn the spirit bet365 app download of bet365 sports betting platform scientists。She pointed out,Study, think, practice and understand the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists,It can help young students strengthen their ideals and beliefs,The spirit of scientists provides them with specific action guidelines,By combining the two,Young students can better shoulder the mission entrusted by the times,Work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

The prosperity of science and technology will lead to the prosperity of the nation,Strong science and technology make the country strong。Through this lecture,Students of Spanish translation expressed their desire to vigorously promote the spirit of scientists,To inherit and carry forward the older generation of scientists with the motherland in mind、The excellent quality of serving the people is our responsibility,The original intention and mission of constantly bet365 online live casino bet365 sports betting platform improving science and technology to serve the country,Consciously practice the ambition of serving the country through science and technology。


The 16th Qingma Class Special Lecture "Vigorously Promoting the Spirit of Scientists" was held in Western Translation,Gathering majestic power for a technologically powerful country》

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The lecture is given by Lei Bin, associate professor of the School of Marxism

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