September 9,The Department of Education announced the "Notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on announcing the results of the provincial semi-finals of the China International bet365 online live casino Student Innovation Competition (2024) Shaanxi Division",Our school is on the higher education track、"Youth Red Dream Journey" track、Won a total of 5 golds, 13 silvers and 27 bronzes in the vocational education track,Again historical success,Ranked 9th among undergraduate universities in the province in terms of number of gold medals,The total number of awards ranks first among similar universities in our province,Created the best result in provincial finals over the years。At the same time, our school won 2 silver awards in the industrial proposition track,Achieve zero breakthrough on this track。
bet365 casino games was awarded the commendation unit of the provincial semi-finals of the China International bet365 online live casino Student Innovation Competition (2024) Shaanxi Division。
Spanish translation possible for teachers and students,Do your best。The success of this achievement is inseparable from the school’s great emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship education、Full support and great help。Our school always adheres to the principle of "promoting education through competition、Promote learning through competition、Promote innovation through competition”,And take competition as an important starting point to deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education,Continuously enrich the competition format and content,Encourage and guide students to participate enthusiastically,Actively build a docking platform for college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship projects and social investment and financing,Steadyly promote the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship education in schools to a bet365 online live casino level。The achievement of this good result is also inseparable from the hard work of the instructors and team members、Through thick and thin experience。Since the establishment of the project team,The instructor and team members have repeatedly polished it、Stick up the lights and prepare for war,Not only wrote a project plan with tens of thousands of words、Modified PPT countless times,Conducted hundreds of road show exercises,Also uses bet365 online live casino technologies to empower positive energy,And listen carefully to the training from experts inside and outside the school、Analysis and guidance,Carefully craft the project content,This project is in this provincial competitionWinning the award lays a solid foundation。In competition,Each team demonstrated the “dare to innovate” of Spanish bet365 online live casino students、The youthful style of being good at innovation,Highlighting the remarkable achievements of our school’s innovation and entrepreneurship education reform。Future,The school will further deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education,Organize and carry out various innovation and entrepreneurship practical activities,Actively create a strong atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship,Continuously improve the level of innovative and entrepreneurial talent training。
It is reported,There are 99 colleges and universities in our province this year、8.More than 90,000 items、More than 410,000 students signed up to participate。The number of entries reached a record high,Many innovative projects have emerged that keep up with cutting-edge technology and target major national strategic needs。These projects are both oriented to integrated circuits、Industrial software、Advanced materials and other major national strategic needs,Also covers artificial intelligence、Biomanufacturing、Low-altitude economy and other frontier areas representing bet365 online live casino productivity,Achieved numerous technological innovations and research results。In this event,There are 1.More than 90,000 project teams、8.More than 70,000 students signed up to participate in the "Youth Red Dream-Building Journey" activity,Teachers and students go deep into the front lines of communities and villages,Extensively carry out innovation and entrepreneurship practices,Comprehensive assistance in rural revitalization,Actively contribute to social development。This competition has built a bridge between the education side and the industry side,Effectively improve students’ ability to solve practical problems,Effectively promotes higher-quality entrepreneurial employment for college students,Provides a platform and stage for innovation and entrepreneurship for college teachers and students。
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