Summer 2024,The fourth branch of the International bet365 sports betting platform School actively responded to the call of the school,Revolving around "Don't forget your original intention、The distinctive theme of “Keep your mission in mind”,Carry out the summer practice theme party day activity of "original heart as rock·original heart story of hometown party members"。This event is not only the branch’s in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,The branch is guided by party building,Actively explore the “Party Building+” work model,A vivid practice that promotes the deep integration of party building work and practical activities。
During the event,Party members of the branch went deep into the grassroots in their hometown,Visited many party members on the spot,Through interview、Record、Photography and other methods,Collect party members at different times、The spiritual qualities and touching stories of courage and responsibility demonstrated in different industries。These stories are like vivid history textbooks,Let everyone deeply feel the bet365 sports betting platform intention and mission of the Communists。At the same time, the branch makes full use of modern media methods,Organize the collected stories into short videos、Photo albums and other forms。
September 11,In the theme party bet365 sports betting platform event,Branch party members sit together,Through vivid pictures and touching words,Share and exchange each other’s feelings and experiences。This further deepens the branch members’ understanding and understanding of the party’s history and revolutionary spirit,Inspiring everyone’s enthusiasm for patriotism and party;Also through vivid cases and touching stories,Conveyed positive energy to teachers and students,Promote the core values of socialism。
Event last,Teacher Yan Bin, a member of the branch organization, summarizes the activities,He pointed out: This event has strengthened the ideals and beliefs of all party members,Thoughts are purified again,This is a trip to strengthen party spirit。Facing the call of the new era,Everyone should take this event as an opportunity,Insist on using the party’s innovative theory to condense the bet365 sports betting platform and cast the soul,Strong faith in the party,Establish a correct worldview、View of life、Values,Integrate personal struggle into the overall development of the party and the country's cause。Everyone expressed their opinions,We must continue to work hard to grow our talents in future study and work,Diligent in learning、Sensitive in seeking knowledge;Actively participate in social practice,Transform the knowledge learned into serving the people,Practical actions to serve the country;Show youth and responsibility,Temper yourself in struggle,Improve yourself。Use youth and sweat to write a new chapter in life。
The Fourth Party Branch of the International bet365 sports betting platform School carried out the summer practice theme party day activity of "original heart like rock·original heart story of hometown party members"