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Author: Zhang Qingli Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: International Language and Culture Institute Published: 2024-09-02 Clicks:

In order to solidly promote the teaching work of this semester,According to the spirit of the school teaching work meeting at the beginning of the semester,Combined with the actual work of the college,September 1 afternoon,The School of International Languages ​​and Culture held the first teaching work meeting in the first semester of the 2024-2025 bet365 sports betting platform school year。Vice President Wu Zhen、Wei Haiyan and various departments、Director and deputy director attended the meeting。Wu Zhen presided over the meeting。

The meeting first breaks down and arranges the rectification tasks for each major based on the undergraduate review and evaluation,Report on the implementation status and existing problems of each major,The existing difficulties were also actively discussed,In the middle of the semester, the college will again organize completion reports for each major。In this report,All majors said they can implement tasks bet365 casino games to people,The next step will be to learn from each other,Arrange relevant work according to the schedule and make solid progress。

After,Wu Zhen’s fourth round review of the 2024 graduation thesis、Review of the final exam paper of last semester、Specific requirements were put forward for the initial teaching inspection and the theme of teaching and research activities this semester。First, we must attach great importance to evaluation and rectification work,Be sure to strictly follow the requirements,The responsibility lies with everyone,Never relax;bet365 casino games Second, teaching work is no small matter,Every teaching link needs to be completed with a high sense of responsibility;Third, I hope that all teachers can devote themselves to the teaching work of this semester with full enthusiasm,And hand in a satisfactory answer sheet。


The School of International Languages ​​and Culture held the first teaching work meeting in the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year

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