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Editor: Research Department Published: 2024-09-02 Clicks:

Guizhou Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Philosophy and Society Project),is the highest level philosophy and social science research topic in our province,Is an important basis for measuring the strength and contribution of a unit in philosophy and social science research,An important indicator that reflects the academic level and influence of a unit’s philosophy and social science researchers。In order to conscientiously complete the application work for Guizhou Province’s 2024 Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Annual Project (hereinafter referred to as the annual project),The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows。

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Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensive implementation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 20th Central Committee、Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,In-depth implementation of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Accelerating the Construction of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics",Conscientiously implement the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress and the 13th Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee,Adhere to the correct political direction、Value orientation and academic orientation,Adhere to the combination of practical application and independent exploration,Insist on focusing on major theoretical and practical issues,Adhere to equal emphasis on basic research and applied research,Encourage comprehensive interdisciplinary research,Give full play to the demonstration and guidance role of the subject,Promote and support the development of Guizhou、Research on Guizhou phenomenon、Discipline system for telling Guizhou’s story、Academic System、Discourse system construction,Promote the construction of independent knowledge system,Better serve the overall work of the province。

2. Topic Guide

(1) Topic guide includes 93 topics,bet365 online live casino Open to the public declaration nationwide,The names of topics No. 1-93 (except for categories that can be classified) are the names of the final project topics and final research results,Applicants are not allowed to make changes without authorization,But you can choose according to the topic,Follow the key issues、Principle design research questions and content that highlight limited goals。

(2) Applicants can also choose the 24 subject categories set according to the annual topics,Respect academic rules、Grasp the academic frontier,Design your own topic,But the topic description must conform to the subject positioning,Highlight problem orientation、Disciplinary Perspective,Scientific rigor、Concise specifications,Generally no subtitle,No more than 40 Chinese characters (including punctuation marks),Avoid causing ambiguity or controversy,Avoid duplication of research。Self-selected topics are open to the province for public declaration。Under the same conditions,Declaration for priority project approval of topics No. 1-93。

(3) Major theoretical and practical issues supporting high-quality development in Guizhou、Carry out original research on important basic and cutting-edge issues in philosophy and social sciences,Advocacy based on Guizhou phenomenon、Basic theoretical research on the Guizhou issue,Encourage the integration of resources across disciplines, units and regions、Organize a research team to carry out comprehensive research。

3. Subject categories

This year’s topic categories are divided into major topics、Key topics、General Topics、Youth projects and later funding projects,Applicants can combine their own qualifications、Research Interests、Choose one category to apply for scientific research strength, etc.。where,The main funding for later funding projects has been basically completed (more than 90% needs to be completed),And reach the advanced research level in this subject field,Excellent academic results that have not yet been published。

4. Topic Requirements

) Research period.The research period for major projects ends on December 31, 2025。Other categories of topics,Basic research,The research period ends on December 31, 2027;Applied Research,The research period ends on December 31, 2026。

)FundedQuota.Depending on the subject category、Research content and tasks determined。Disbursed in two installments,Project funding funds are allocated when the project is established,The remaining funding will be allocated after the project is completed。where,Major projects shall not exceed 300,000 yuan/item、Key projects and later funded projects shall not exceed 100,000 yuan/project、General projects and youth projects shall not exceed 60,000 yuan/item。

Final research results formAnd the number of characters.The final research results include a monograph、Translation、Proceedings、Research Report、Reference book,One of the monographs、Translation、The reference book contains more than 150,000 words;More than 10 articles in the collection (including more than 3 articles published in public journals at or above the provincial level,And must be marked with the words "Guizhou Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project Results (Project Number: XXXXX)"),More than 4,000 words per article;The research report contains more than 60,000 words。The specific completion tasks are subject to the application form and project management contract。

(4) Other requirements.The reporting unit is outside Guizhou Province,1-2 members of the research team must be formally employed by provincial social science research institutions in Guizhou Province (including party schools、Academy of Social Sciences、College、Researchers from think tanks, etc.。

5. Application Qualifications

(1) ApplicationReportUnit mustPossessedConditions:①Have strong academic resources and research strength in related fields;②Be able to perform management functions such as scientific research and financial auditing;③Be able to provide the necessary conditions for conducting research,Enhancing the whole process management,And promises credit guarantee;④Declared from the part-time unit as a part-time employee,Part-time units must review the authenticity of the formal employment relationship of part-time workers,Assume project management responsibilities and promise to ensure credibility。

(2) Conditions that applicants must meet:①Abide by the Constitution and laws of the People’s Republic of China;②Have the ability to independently conduct research and organize research,Able to undertake substantive research work;③Have certain academic attainments and scientific research experience in relevant research fields,Strong sense of social responsibility、Excellent academic style,No bad scientific research records in the past five years;④Youth project applicants must be no more than 35 years old (born after August 19, 1989),No age limit for members of the research team;⑤The research team shall not have more than 6 members,And must obtain his/her consent and signature,Otherwise, it will be deemed as an illegal declaration;⑥Full-time master’s and doctoral students are not allowed to lead the application,But can be a member of the research team。Onsite postdoctoral fellows who meet the application requirements can apply,Full-time postdoctoral fellows must apply from their postdoctoral workstation,In-service postdocs can apply from their workplace or postdoctoral workstation。

6. Application restrictions

To avoid reporting more than bet365 one question、Cross-application and duplicate project approval,Make sure the applicant has enough time and energy to engage in research,Promote more excellent results、Outstanding Talent,The application for this year’s project is subject to the following restrictions:

(1) Applicants can only apply for one topic in the same year,And cannot participate in applications for other projects as a member of the research team;Research team members can participate in up to two project applications in the same year;Research team members of the provincial philosophy and society project can only participate in one project application。

(2) Person in charge of the provincial philosophy and society project under study,Not allowed to lead or participate in the application for this year’s project (the completion certificate signing date is before August 19, 2024,You can apply for this year’s topic)。

(3) The provisions of the aforementioned (1) and (2) shall not be avoided by changing the responsible unit;Do not submit application materials with basically the same or similar content in the name of different applicants;It is not allowed to apply to Category 2 and above fund projects (topics) with application materials that are basically the same or similar in content;Research results that are essentially the same as published content may not be used to submit applications;It is not allowed to apply for Category 2 and above fund projects (topics) with the same results that are basically the same or similar in content;Research results that have been funded by provincial philosophy and society projects shall not be used、A revised version of a published work or a result that duplicates more than 10% of the applicant's own published work, etc.,Apply for this year’s later funding project。

(4) Any content that is closely related to various types of projects (topics) at all levels that are under research or have been completed,The connection and difference between the subject applied for and the project (topic) undertaken must be stated in detail in the "Application Form",Otherwise it will be considered as a duplicate application。

(5) Those who apply for this year’s topic based on their doctoral thesis or postdoctoral outbound report,The connection and difference between the applied topic and the original paper (outbound report) must be indicated in the "Application Form",And promises to make substantial revisions based on the original paper (outbound report),The duplication ratio between the final research results and the original paper (outbound report) shall not exceed 60%。The original thesis (outbound report) must be submitted when applying for appraisal。

(6) Applicants apply for later funding projects of this year based on their doctoral thesis or postdoctoral outbound report,The completion date of the thesis or outbound report should be more than three years (the defense date is before August 19, 2021),And make substantial revisions based on the original paper or outbound report,bet365 sports betting platform Additional additions and deletions、The modified content reaches more than 30% of the word count of the original paper or outbound report。

(7) In principle, the total number of words in the "Project Design Demonstration" part of the "Application Form" shall not exceed 7,000 words;Limited to reporting 5 relevant representative research results in the "Research Basis" section,Do not fill in anything unrelated to this topic,Collaborators need to indicate the order of authors。

(8) After the project is established, any phased results will be published or published in the name of this year’s project、Final result,All must be uniquely marked with the words "Guizhou Province 2024 Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Annual Project Research Results (Project Number: XXXXX)" in a prominent position,And other funding projects (topics) must not be marked at the same time。

(9) Any one of the following situations,No application for this year’s project will be accepted:

1.No relevant preliminary research results or preliminary research results unrelated to the applied topic。

2.The selected topic does not meet the basic requirements of the "Topic Guide",Or without important research value。

3.The "Project Design Demonstration" is obviously simple and rough or contains plagiarism。

4.Contents to be filled in the "Application Form" (including basic information about the applicant or research team members、Preliminary results, etc.) are untrue、Fraud,Or related results have intellectual property disputes。

5.Fill in the author's name in "Loose Leaf"、Unit、Publication or publishing house name、Publication time or issue period, etc.。

6.Since August 19, 2021,The person in charge of the terminated National Social Science Fund Project or Provincial Philosophy and Society Project,Not allowed to lead or participate in the application for this year’s project;Since August 19, 2019,The person in charge of the canceled National Social Science Fund project or provincial philosophy and society project,Not allowed to lead or participate in the application for this year’s project。

7.There are filling (binding) errors in the application materials (including "Application Form", "Loose Leaf", "Summary Table", etc.)、Incomplete、Missing copies、Not signed and sealed,As well as issues such as inconsistencies between paper and electronic materials。

8.The applicant cannot perform scientific research、Finance、Audit management function。

9. Failure to submit application materials within the time limit.

10.Others who do not meet the qualifications for applying for this year’s project。

7. Application acceptance

This year’s projects will be submitted online,When applying online, applicants still need to submit one hard copy of the "Application Form" and "Loose Leaf",And ensure that the content of online and offline materials is completely consistent。

Our office does not directly accept individual declarations。Applicants without an account must fill in the bet365 relevant information as required to register a personal account,Applicants who already have an account can directly log in to the Guizhou Provincial Social Science Planning Project Management Platform (https://gzpopss.todcy.cn),Fill in relevant information online、After checking and clicking submit, you can download the "Application Form" and "Loose Leaf",Print and sign and submit to the scientific research management department of the unit (no signature is required for the "Loose Leaf")。If the scientific research management department of the unit that meets the application conditions does not have a management account,Need to apply for activation in advance,Please see Appendix 2 of this announcement for the required materials。The project application system is open from 09:00 on August 21 to 12:00 on September 9, 2024,The system will automatically close after the expiration date,Declarations will no longer be accepted。

Please print the paper version of "Application Form" and "Loose Leaf" on both sides of A3 paper、Center seam binding,The "Application Form" must be signed and stamped。

8. Integrity and Discipline

(1) The application work must conscientiously implement the central government's "Several Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Scientific Research Integrity",Applicants must truthfully fill in the relevant content in accordance with the requirements of the "Guizhou Province 2024 Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Annual Project Application Form" and "Guizhou Province 2024 Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Annual Project Demonstration Sheet",Guarantee that there will be no intellectual property disputes or violations of scientific research integrity requirements。Wherever there is fraud、Plagiarism and other acts,Verify once discovered,Cancellation of 5-year declaration qualification;If the project is approved, it will be withdrawn and the criticism will be publicly notified。Anyone who discovers serious violations of regulations and disciplines during the application and review process of provincial philosophy and society projects,Except for handling according to regulations,All are included in the bad scientific research credit record。

(2) After being approved for project approval,The project leader is not allowed to change the project responsible unit,Relevant commitments must be observed during the implementation of the project,Perform the obligations stipulated in this announcement and the project management contract,Complete research tasks on schedule,The final results must be consistent with the expected results;The "Application Form" that is approved for project establishment shall be deemed as the binding text of the funding contract。Publishing or publishing phased research results must be submitted for approval according to procedures,The final research results must be identified first、Later bet365 online live casino published,Publishing or publishing the research results of the project without authorization will be deemed as voluntary termination of the funding agreement。

9. Work requirements

(1) Each reporting unit must effectively strengthen organizational leadership,Highlight the key points、Compaction Responsibility、Comprehensive policy,The main responsible comrades must go into battle in person、Command from the front,Leaders in charge should focus on specific matters、Keep the key links in mind,Scientific research management departments must clarify their goals、Precise force,Announcement on Application for Serious Study Project,Strict review of application qualifications,Strict review of application qualifications、Authenticity of preliminary research results、The research strength and necessary conditions of the research team, etc.,Sign clear opinions one by one and submit them on time。

(2) Matters not covered in this Announcement,According to the "Guizhou Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project Management Measures" (Guizhou Xuanfa [2018] No. 6)、《Guizhou Province National Social Science Fund Project、Provincial Social Science Planning Project Management Implementation Rules" (Qianxuanfa [2018] No. 7)、"Guizhou Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project Fund Management Measures (Trial)" (Qian Caijiao [2019] No. 104) and the implementation of relevant terms of the project management contract。Subject to the latest document regulations,Follow the latest document regulations。

(3) Our office has the final right to interpret this year’s project application work and the relevant terms of this announcement。

Attachment: Guizhou Province 2024 Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Annual Topic Guide.pdf

Contact: Lei Qianying Cheng Sida

Contact number: 029-85891589

Scientific Research Department 

September 2, 2024

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