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The bet365.com Award-winning team that rides the wind and waves

Author: Peng Huijing Source: Brand Communication Department Published: 2021-02-27 Clicks:

Exclusive interview with our bet365.com’s 2019-2020 countries



Don’t do anything that you will regret in the future,Try your best,No matter what the result is, at least I have put in all my efforts。This is the motto of Dang Jinghui, a senior student majoring in visual communication design at the School of Art,A seemingly simple sentence,Accompanying bet365.com through spring, summer, autumn and winter after another。


Four years in school,She always has strict demands on herself,Try your best,Don’t be afraid to move forward。From second-class school scholarship to bet365.com scholarship,She has more than just design talent,A strong sense of responsibility and a high degree of consciousness。The sense of responsibility here is her meticulous work as the president of the Translation Design Studio,She is also responsible for her major as a college student。In the eyes of students who are also majoring in visual communication design,She is an outstanding student who can take any assignment into the competition。But only she knows that none of her homework is done casually,Establishing goals every time you create an idea,Strictly demand yourself in every link,Won’t miss any detail,This is a habit she has developed long ago,This is also the reason why she won five awards in design competitions。


Look for the target,No effort on the road to your dreams will be in vain。Starting from freshman year,Dang Jinghui supervises himself according to the study rhythm of high school,Seriously、Rigorous、Maintain concentration and learning efficiency,Understand the course content in advance,Improve self-study ability,Use all your spare time to appreciate art works,Improve aesthetics、Inspire design。She never lets herself stop moving forward,Even during the bottleneck period,I will also broaden my thinking and horizons through various ways,This tension comes from bet365.com love for design and bet365.com clear understanding of reality。She is always preparing for bet365.com goals,I also believe that hard work will always pay off one day,This process will be confusing,Having difficulty,But every difficulty is a ladder of progress。


Stick to what you believe,Freedom of thought,The rich inner world gives Dang Jinghui an unbridled imagination,Both assignments and works are full of originality and creativity。She has always wanted to be a graphic designer and is independent and unique,Like to explore illusory things,Like to understand human nature from various types of horror movies、Get inspired,In this way, bet365.com unique creative style was gradually formed。


Maybe excellent people don’t think they are excellent,Dang Jinghui always believed that he was not qualified enough to apply for a bet365.com scholarship,Because in her eyes there are many people who are better than her,It is this humility that carries her efforts day and night,Achieved such a persistent dream,Down to earth,The innocent and hot Dang Jinghui。


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