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The Live Dealer Games that rides the wind and waves

Author: Li Jiayi Source: Brand Communication Department Published: 2021-02-26 Clicks:

Exclusive interview with our Live Dealer Games’s 2019-2020 countries

ScholarshipWinner: Live Dealer Games


Don’t complain about suffering too much,Don’t try to avoid the challenges you face,Don’t be afraid of the darkness in front of you,Look further,Strive forward,Stick to yourself,Never give up,ride the wind and waves。The university era is like a small society,Only through continuous efforts can we raise the sail of victory。Cheng Qian, majoring in financial management at the Business School, Live Dealer Games passed her own planning in college,Self-discipline,persistence,Let her achieve today’s fruitful results。


Live Dealer Games Let us raise the sails for a long journey

Carnegie once said,Those who do not prepare for tomorrow will never have a future。As a college student,We must first make plans for our own college life,You can only plan yourself well,Talent has a promising future。When Cheng Qian first entered college,Full of expectations for college life,Full of longing,But when Live Dealer Games started college courses, Live Dealer Games just realized that Live Dealer Games is already a college student,No one will urge you to study all the time,Only you,At this time, Live Dealer Games felt that Live Dealer Games could no longer live aimlessly as before, Live Dealer Games began to plan the certificates Live Dealer Games would take in college,Column time planning table,I go to the library to check information every day,Independent review and preview of professional course knowledge。 Live Dealer Games still retains this good habit of planning to this day,I still remember the first time I met Cheng Qian,After we sat down, Live Dealer Games first took out a small portable notebook from her bag,Clean and neat handwriting is written in an orderly manner on the notebook,Perhaps Live Dealer Games has lost count of the number of books in her hands over the past four years,It was Cheng Qian who had the habit of planning,Her college life was fulfilling and meaningful。If life is a gamble,It is God who shuffles the cards,But we are the ones playing cards,The quality of the fight is all up to you。Whether it is university or going to society in the future,As long as we have a plan,Then we will have a good start。Cheng Qian relies on her own plan,The stones have been laid for your own road。


Live Dealer Games Let us shine with dazzling style

A person’s greatest victory is to defeat himself。Self-discipline is the condition for us to defeat ourselves,Let us have our own unique style。After Cheng Qian had a plan for herself, Live Dealer Games began to implement it step by step, Live Dealer Games is the study committee member of the class, Live Dealer Games has always demanded herself with the strictest requirements, Live Dealer Games will be the first to come to class every morning to recite the textbook Live Dealer Games has learned, Live Dealer Games will consciously preview and review。Her after-school life is also colorful,I will take two hours of spare time every week to practice yoga to stretch myself。 Live Dealer Games will also participate in aerobics and other sports activities,To enrich your after-school life。A person’s self-discipline is not only reflected in learning,What’s more, after-school life,Only self-discipline can show your own unique style,Only can make life more colorful。


Effort Live Dealer Games us shine brightly

Edison once said,Genius is one percent inspiration,Ninety-nine percent sweat。Hard work is an essential quality for our contemporary youth。Cheng Qian joined the Economic and Trade Association during college,Through his own efforts, he has achieved great results in innovation and entrepreneurship,Accumulated experience in entrepreneurship,What impressed her most was,The time I went to Sanya to compete,Because I was at home,So I didn’t set off with the school team, Live Dealer Games took the high-speed rail trip by herself,When you get there, put your luggage away and print the materials you prepared in advance,Facing a strange city, preparing competition materials alone,With pre-match nerves in my heart,When the game is successfully concluded the next day,At that moment I felt that my efforts were not in vain,Every effort will be rewarded。General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out,Young people must have the courage to be the first,Dare to emancipate the mind、Advance with the times,Dare to search up and down、Pioneering and enterprising,However, all this can never be separated from the hard work of young people。


As a contemporary youth,Plan yourself,Through self-discipline、Effort,To bloom the light of youth。Cheng Qian has achieved today’s results through her own hard work, Live Dealer Games is like a roc spreading its wings and soaring in the sky。


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