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Good bet365 Casino、Two honors of "National College Ideological and Political Aesthetic Education and Teaching Award"

Author: Zhao Zihan Editor: Liu Mengqi Source: School of bet365 Casino Published: 2024-09-25 Clicks:

June 2024,bet365 casino games School of Education is sponsored by the China Education Society、The Aesthetic Education Professional Committee of the China Higher Education Association and the Aesthetic Education Research Association of the Chinese Society of Life Sciences won the title of "National Advanced Unit for Aesthetic Education in Colleges and Universities" in the "Aesthetic Education Infiltration Tour·The 17th National College Aesthetic Education Teaching Achievements Exhibition" jointly organized by the Aesthetic Education Research Association of the Chinese Society of Life Sciences and "National College Ideological and Political Curriculum Aesthetic Education and Teaching Award" two honors。

Aesthetic education is an important part of the comprehensive development of education,It has far-reaching and long-lasting significance for cultivating students’ aesthetic ability and creativity。In recent years,Our school continues to use infiltration as the goal and path of aesthetic education work,Integrate aesthetic education into all aspects of education and bet365 Casino activities,Continuously increasing its proportion in the education system,Deepen the integration of aesthetic education and other disciplines,Strive to achieve the goal of whole-person education。Winning this honor is not only our school’s in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts,Xi Jinping’s important exposition on aesthetic education and the specific practice of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,It is the concentration of the spirit of implementing documents such as the "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving Aesthetic Education in Schools in the New Era", "Opinions on Effectively Strengthening Aesthetic Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Era", and "Notice of the Ministry of Education on Comprehensively Implementing Aesthetic Education Infiltration Actions in Schools" reflect,At the same time, it fully proves our school’s effective exploration of the “immersion” aesthetic education bet365 Casino path。

Future,The School of Education will actively encourage teachers to explore more diversity、bet365 Casino education practice closer to students,Continue to keep up with the times,Continuously innovate the content and form of bet365 Casino education,Continuously expand cooperation and exchanges in bet365 Casino education,Continuously enrich the methods and means of bet365 Casino education,Promote bet365 Casino education work to new heights,Contribute more to cultivating students’ comprehensive quality and creativity。

Xiyi Education bet365 Casino won the title of "National Advanced Unit for Aesthetic Education in Colleges and Universities"、Two honors of "National bet365 Casino Ideological and Political Aesthetic Education and Teaching Award"

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