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Author: Liu Yuanyuan Editor: Liu Mengqi Source: English School Published: 2024-09-10 Clicks:

As Teachers’ Day is approaching,We must not only pay high respect to the teachers who work hard on the front line of education,We must also pay tribute to those who work silently behind the students,Use practical actions to interpret "love your children as your own children"、I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the teachers who have the spirit of “selfless dedication”。Today,Let’s focus on the English School of Xi’an Translation University,Witness the professional abilities and deep affection for bet365 online live casino students demonstrated by student workers in emergencies。

At the beginning of the fall semester of 2024,The English School of Xi’an Translation University welcomes a new class of students,Including Xiaoman (pseudonym), a 2024 freshman from Jiangsu。With visions and dreams for the future,Xiaoman has entered the Spanish translation family。However,Destiny was just taking the first step in a new chapter of her life,brought a severe test to her and her family。

September 7, 18:45 pm,Xiaoman, who has completed the admission procedures, is accompanied by his father,Arrived at the student apartment。It should have been a warm farewell scene,His father suddenly convulsed,Fell into coma。Faced with this sudden change,Our school’s dormitory teacher responded quickly,Contact the security office and medical clinic immediately,Emergencyly send Xiaoman’s father to the Fifth People’s Hospital for treatment。

After receiving the notice from the school clinic,Teachers Zeng Weimin and Wang Jianjun of the English School immediately led two student volunteers (Wang Jingyuan and Li Tao from the fifth party branch of the English School) to the hospital。At this time,Students’ parents are still in a state of unconsciousness,The situation is very critical。After the doctor communicated with Xiaoman bet365 and the teachers present,It is recommended to transfer to a large general hospital immediately for further treatment。Facing this emergency,The college teachers did not hesitate at all,Accompany Xiaoman into the ambulance,Sent his father to the Aerospace Hospital。

At the Aerospace Hospital,The doctor conducted a comprehensive examination and treatment on Xiaoman’s father。After consultation,The doctor diagnosed Xiaoman’s father with massive cerebral infarction,Serious condition,Life is in danger,Needs immediate surgery。This news hit Xiaoman like a bolt from the blue,My mother is not around,She suddenly fell into endless panic and helplessness。

At this critical moment,The college teachers once again demonstrated their responsibility and love。Vice Dean of the School of English Jiang Xiaojun also rushed to the hospital,He was with teacher Zeng Weimin and two student volunteers,Accompany Xiaoman throughout the entire process to handle matters related to medical treatment and transfer,And help contact his mother。They not only provide moral support,Return with practical actions,Help solve various practical problems。Especially Teacher Zeng Weimin,When Xiaoman’s father’s bank card was unable to pay the high surgical fees and hospitalization fees due to the limit,He helped bet365 online live casino advance 40,000 yuan without hesitation,Solved the urgent need of Xiaoman’s family。His move,Not only reflects the deep love for students,Also shows his noble character and selfless dedication as an educator。

While waiting anxiously outside the operating room,The teachers and classmates of the college are always by Xiaoman’s side。Their warm and encouraging words to new classmates,Let her feel the power of hope in despair。The operation is tense and long,But with everyone’s company,Xiaoman felt unprecedented firmness and peace of mind。

1am,After the doctors’ full rescue efforts and everyone’s careful care,Xiao Man’s father is finally out of danger。I learned that the operation went well,Xiao Man’s eyes were filled with tears of gratitude。She knows,It is the school that has given her and her family the most solid support and the warmest care。

Morning of September 8th,Xiao Man’s mother rushed to the hospital。Teacher Zeng Weimin and freshman counselor Wang Na went to the hospital again to express condolences to Xiaoman and his family,And communicate with the attending doctor about his father’s condition。Although Xiaoman’s father still needs further treatment and recovery after the operation,But with the company and support of the school,Both Xiaoman and his mother expressed bet365 sports betting platform that they felt more at ease and confident to face future challenges。They know it,No matter what difficulties we encounter in the future,The school will be like this,Give them the firmest support and help。

Prompt handling of this emergency,Not only the parents of the students are extremely grateful for the warm-hearted care of the teachers and students of our school,The doctor in charge of Xiaoman’s father was also very touched by the loving gestures of our school’s teachers and students in helping students,Highly recognize the warm-hearted and responsible behavior of our school teachers。Special emphasis from the attending doctor,During the entire treatment process,There are three factors that help students and parents turn the corner: first, with the help of our school teachers,The doctor communicated smoothly with the student and his mother,Decided decisively to undergo surgery;The teacher of the second school is serious and responsible,Including advance payment of medical expenses,I have never met and am willing to donate generously for students,The third student himself is calm and composed,Willing to trust the judgment of school teachers and doctors。The doctor said that if one of these three points is not met,Parents may not be able to survive it。The attending doctor was moved by our school’bet365 casino games s professionalism and responsibility in handling student emergencies,Especially the righteous deeds of Teacher Zeng Weimin,He said boldly, "From now on, as long as the students of Xi'an Translation University are ill,Anyone can come to the hospital for treatment”。After thanking the doctor,Teacher Wang Na arranged for student volunteers to take Xiaoman’s luggage and belongings back to the school dormitory and settle them down。

This incident has also aroused widespread concern and heated discussion from all walks of life。In this emergency,Not only shows the teachers’ extraordinary adaptability and selfless dedication,It also highlights the important role of teachers in students’ lives。They are not only good teachers and helpful friends for students,It is also a strong backing for students on their growth path,Explains "due diligence and responsibility" with practical actions、Great love is boundless、Love your life as a child、Wish to contribute、The profound connotation of "loving school as home"。

Xiao Man’s story is just a microcosm of the love between teachers and students in the big Spanish translation family。In this big family full of warmth and hope,There are countless such stories happening。Every story embodies the hard work and selfless dedication of teachers,Every story bet365 demonstrates their deep love and care for their students。

From now on,The teachers of the college will continue to uphold the "people-oriented" educational philosophy,Use their love and dedication to hold up a sky for every student。Every student worker believes: as long as there is love in the heart,Be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges,Work together to write a better future chapter。

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