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Author: Li Siqiu Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: Alumni Association Office Party Committee Propaganda Department Published: 2024-09-01 Clicks:

In the 37 years of Xi’an Translation University, it has cultivated many outstanding alumni,This is due to the school’s education and teaching model that implements personalized development based on students。Today,They rely on their own efforts、Interests and talents,Achieved extraordinary achievements in their respective fields。

left and right,Born in 1988 in Shanyang, Shaanxi,Graduated from Xi’an Translation University in 2013。As a new generation writer,Live what you want to be。He has published works in "People's Literature", "October", "Chinese Writers", "Tianya", "Flower City", "Poetry Magazine", etc.,Won the Liu Qing Literature Award、Yan'an Literature Award、Bing Xin Children’s Literature bet365 casino games New Work Award、Shanghai Writers Association Children’s Literature Award、Pearl River International Poetry Festival Young Poets Award、Zijin·People’s Literature Star Poetry Award and other awards,Published many personal collections such as "Subway", "Fate", "Youth Travel", "Ears Chasing the Light",Participated in the 32nd Youth Poetry Meeting of Poetry Magazine、The 40th Advanced Research Class for Young and Middle-aged Writers of Lu Xun Institute of Literature, etc.;At the same time,He was also awarded the Shaanxi Province Moral Model、Shaanxi good young man、Moving Shaanxi educational figures and other social honors。

If God favors such a young man,Don’t hesitate to give him talents,He also gave him a warm and kind heart,You will definitely lament the injustice of fate。But you don’t know,Left and right under countless halos,Because of hearing impairment,I didn’t start practicing speaking until 2016,But how did he go through this literary path with unimaginable hardships。



University,Time flies by,It is also a time where memories last forever,Leaving the footprints of youth,Harvested the treasure of friendship,Chasing the stars of knowledge,Shape a better self。around that poetic autumn of 2009,Come to the School of Humanities and Arts of Xi'an University of Translation and Interpretation to study Chinese language and literature。Recalling the past when I came to Western Translation,Thinking of my beloved Dean Ding,Ripples appeared in his bet365 app download heart。He shared with reporters his unusual experience after the college entrance examination。During the college entrance examination,The first choice is to be admitted to Northwest University of Political Science and Law。On the eve of preparing to report to politics and law,An elder is worried that his hearing impairment is not suitable for his major and future career,So we communicated with some presidents of Northwest University of Political Science and Law and other universities。At that time,Only Dean Ding Zuyi listened to his experience,No words,Willing to transfer him from Northwest University of Political Science and Law。This is the most unforgettable and touching thing that I have ever experienced。The old dean’s kind and discerning behavior,Be the right and left to overcome difficulties、Endless motivation to overcome various obstacles on the road to academic and literary studies。While in school,He won first prizes in many literary competitions。The old dean was very pleased to know,I also asked the dean of the School of Humanities and Arts to take special care of him。Whether it’s studying、In life or writing,The teachers all gave them as much care as they could。Also because of his own strength and hard work,Received Ding Zuyi Scholarship。

mentioned to reporters,Dean Ding and his teachers gave him great support and encouragement during his college days,Let him keep moving forward on the road of literary creation。He also founded Chufeng Poetry Club and campus publications with his classmates,These experiences bet365 app download not only exercised his organizational and coordination skills,He also made many like-minded literary friends。He thinks,The unique Zhongnan culture and unique geography of Western translation、Humanities and academic style,Had a profound influence on his writing and creation。

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In the midst of mediocrity, there is a glimmer of immortality

Ji Chang wrote "Book of Changes" when he was detained,Confucius was embarrassed and wrote "Spring and Autumn",Qu Yuan wrote "Li Sao" only after he was exiled。Life is like a rushing river,The moment you hit the embankment or reef,It stirred up beautiful waves。When talking about his own growth experience,Frankly admitted that he faced huge challenges and difficulties in the early stage of graduation。He recalled: “About 2016,Because life was not going well in the original workplace,So I resigned and prepared to find a new job。At that time, thirty or forty resumes were submitted,Either it ends in nothingness,Either they ask me to go home and wait for news after the interview,But in the end, I didn’t wait for any news。With the meager salary accumulated before,While paying rent and living expenses,While reconciling with my own thoughts...that will be after graduation,My most difficult period!”However,It is this difficult experience,Let Zuo Zuo strengthen his belief and determination。He used that time,Continuously polish yourself,Improve your literary quality and creative ability。He started writing long fairy tales,Open your mouth bet365 casino games and practice speaking,Focus on reading accumulation、Mindset accumulation、Accumulation of social experience and writing。He firmly believes,Adversity can temper people the most,Only keep challenging yourself,Only in order to break through yourself,Arrived at the other side of dreams。

Adversity is not the end,It’s just a corner to encounter better results。When encountering setbacks,Learn to polish yourself,It is precisely to cultivate one’s character、The best time to improve your own quality。So-called good luck,In fact, it includes strength and precipitation in times of adversity。

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Once the deal is done, there will be no obstacles in the way

Dreams don’t shine,The ones who shine are those who chase dreams。Tell reporters from left to right,The values ​​of life taught by my mother and the dreams in my heart,Always supporting him to move forward in the silent world。He said: "The year I lost my hearing,My mother taught me an optimistic attitude。She told me,You can’t hear because the moon took away your ears,You study hard,The moon will return him to you one day。”This optimistic attitude towards life allows you to face difficulties and challenges,Always maintain a positive attitude。No matter how difficult it is in life,He will move forward optimistically。

The beauty of life,Forever shown in its progress;Like the beauty of a big tree,It is shown in its negative upward trend、In the towering vitality。When I was young,You often receive support and support bet365 sports betting platform from strangers from all over the world,He had a question in his heart: "How come there are so many kind-hearted people in the world?”So,He has an ideal in his heart: to be a philanthropist。The sun flickers past the window,Huaying sits forward during the banquet。Over the years,You always stick to your boyhood ideals。The persistence of this original intention,Leading him to engage in public welfare undertakings after work。He hopes that through his own efforts and dedication,Give back to society,Helping more people in need。

The meaning of life is not to be found outside,But the inner construction。No matter what the situation is,We all gladly accept it。Like mud to the lotus,Not a curse,But a blessing;Like a cocoon to a butterfly,Not resistance,But help。If there is a miracle in this world,That’s just another name for persistence。

There is a long way to go and a long way to go, and people must be ambitious

The road is far away without falling short of one’s ambition,Travel far without changing your original intention,Climb high without forgetting to bow down。When talking about plans and prospects for the future of life,Left and right expression,I will continue to devote myself to literary creation, teaching and educating people。He plans to continue to write more excellent works,Inherit and promote Chinese culture;He will also continue to serve as a teacher,Teach your knowledge and experience to students。He hopes that through his own efforts,Can cultivate more outstanding talents for society。

Mountains and seas have a return date,Wind and rain will meet each other。The left and right have put forward sincere messages and expectations for the junior students。He said: "Life is like a tide,Reading when the tide rises (cultivation of the mind),Writing when the tide ebbs (improve yourself);Life is also like a magnetic field,Add more to your own magnetic field,In the future, more opportunities will be attracted to you。The four years of college are the best time to improve your abilities in all aspects,Once you enter society,It’s difficult to improve yourself,Don’t waste your time。”He encouraged fellow students to cherish their time in college,Study hard、Accumulate experience、Enrich your own experience and knowledge;At the same time,I also hope that everyone can maintain a positive attitude and firm ideals and beliefs,Work hard to achieve your life goals。

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