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Author: Zhou Wanna Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: School of Information Engineering Published: 2024-09-01 Clicks:

August 29,The School of Information Engineering invites the Deputy Secretary-General of the Shaanxi Division Organizing Committee of the National College Student Mathematical Modeling bet365 online live casino Contest、Professor Zhang Bo from the School of Mathematics, Northwest University gave a special report entitled "Nonlinear Optimization Problems in Modeling Competitions"。The report was hosted by Zhou Wanna, Director of the Mathematics and Physics Teaching and Research Center of the School of Information Engineering,Mathematical modeling competition instructor and all participating students participated。

Reporting,Professor Zhang Bo analyzed optimization problems in mathematical bet365 modeling and Matlab solution methods。He combined the 2015 question A、2016 Question A,Details on how to establish an optimization model in competition questions,And emphasized the discipline issues of participating students,Require students to participate with integrity,Strictly abide by the competition rules,And I wish everyone good results in the 2024 competition。

This report,This is a timely blessing for teachers and students who are about to participate in the bet365 casino games competition,It is also the fuel that promotes the development of our school’s mathematical modeling competition,Not only provides valuable experience and methods,It also inspired everyone’s innovative thinking。


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