September 10,International bet365bet365 best bookmaker School held a "vigorously promote the spirit of educators",Accelerate the construction of an educational power” Teachers’ Day celebration。Vice Principal Qi Yushui,Foreign teacher Samera Nazir,Huining, Honorary Dean of the College,Dean Liu Junxia,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy、Vice President Kang Shaoyang,Vice Dean Gao Rong,All faculty, staff and student representatives participated in the event。The event was hosted by Vice Dean Mao Qing。
Mao Qing introduced the newly hired doctoral teaching team。Doctors said,This is their first Teacher’s Day since entering bet365bet365 best bookmaker,Extraordinary significance,I will definitely work hard in my future work,Integrate more innovation and vitality into the college。
Subsequently,The students brought a singing and dancing performance "Unforgettable Teacher" and a video blessing "Teacher, I Want to Say to You"。Wonderful performances by students,Let the bet365bet365 best bookmaker feel the deep love between bet365bet365 best bookmaker and students and holiday blessings。
Zeng Jiayi, the pacesetter in teacher ethics、Qi Tianxiang, representative of outstanding bet365bet365 best bookmaker、PhD representative Jin Junfang、Counselor representative Yan Bin spoke in turn。They come from different perspectives,In-depth discussion of the innovation of teaching methods and concepts, emphasizing the teachingThe importance of self-responsibility among division groups,Shared practical cases of innovative teaching models,And elaborated on specific measures on how to provide quality services for student growth。Their speeches not only show their experience at work,It also expresses his incomparable love for bet365bet365 best bookmaker and deep concern for students。
Next, teachThe bet365bet365 best bookmaker interpreted their love for education and life in their own unique ways。By adapting the song "Dang",I deeply feel the bet365bet365 best bookmaker’ firm pursuit of Spanish translation education;And "lemon tree" conveys a positive attitude、Optimistic and cheerful mood。It contains deep expectations for the students,Continuous exploration of knowledge,And endless longing for a better future。
Qi Yushui expressed holiday blessings to all bet365bet365 best bookmaker and hoped for a new yearTeachers can contribute their wisdom to the high-quality development of international bet365bet365 best bookmaker schools。He emphasized,Under the wave of technological revolution,Standing on the podium requires hard work,This is the foundation of bet365bet365 best bookmaker。He raised the serious challenges currently faced: including applying for a master’s degree、How to build a first-class college and other keysQuestion, reviewing the development history of international bet365bet365 best bookmaker schools, emphasizing the importance of bet365bet365 best bookmaker in cultivating new studentsAn important role in the generation of talents,To all faculty and staffProposed new expectations and requirements,Encourage everyone to devote themselves to bet365bet365 best bookmaker with greater enthusiasm,Contribute to the development of the college。
At the end of the event, the student representatives were full of respectPresenting flowers to the bet365bet365 best bookmaker with joy。Bunches of flowers,Like the sincere hearts of students,Expressing my most sincere gratitude and blessings to the bet365bet365 best bookmaker。
The teacher sang and expressed his best wishes for Spanish translation and his love for bet365bet365 best bookmaker
All the faculty and staff of the International bet365bet365 best bookmaker School take a group photo