Recently, the Shenzhen Airlines Cabin bet365 online live casino Department commended and reported Yang Jin, a flight attendant major in the School of Literature and Media of our school and a flight attendant in the second branch of the Shenzhen Airlines Cabin bet365 online live casino Department, for his courageous bet365 online live casino. On November 1, a man suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. His condition was very critical.
This rescue not only demonstrated Yang Jin’s professionalism as a flight attendant, but also demonstrated her noble character of bravery. Her actions not only fully demonstrated the career of a flight attendant, but also reflected the positive, selfless and dedicated sense of responsibility and attitude of Spanish translation students.
The Shenzhen Airlines Cabin bet365 online live casino Department commends Yang Jin, a Spanish translator student and flight attendant of the Second Division of the Shenzhen Airlines Cabin bet365 online live casino Department, for his courageous actions