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Academic Research

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Editor: Research Department Published: 2024-08-01 Clicks:

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SinceFrom 2020,Under the guidance and strong support of the Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Social Sciences and bet365 sports betting platform bet365 app download the Port Office of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government,“Shaanxi Port Economic Development Forum” has been successfully held for four sessions。The forum gathers well-known experts in the field of domestic port research、Wisdom of scholars and business executives,A number of research results and opinions with application value and constructive significance have been formed,Provides intellectual support for the development of our province’s port economy。To further deepen our understanding of the key role of policies in promoting port economy,Promote collaboration and innovative international cooperation between ports,Improving the competitiveness of Shaanxi ports,Promote regional economic prosperity and sustainable development,Sponsored by Shaanxi Provincial bet365 online live casino bet365 online live casino Federation of Social Sciences,Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education、Supported by the Port Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government,China Port Association、Shaanxi Port Association、Co-organized by Shaanxi Electronic Port Company,Xi'an Translation University Social Sciences Association、The 18th (2024) Academic Annual Conference of the Social Science Circle of Shaanxi Province and the "Fifth Shaanxi Port Economic Development Forum" jointly hosted by the Shaanxi Port Development Research Institute are planned to be held in Xi'an Translation Institute in late October 2024 hold。The theme of this forum is:Policy driven Port coordination Win-win cooperation。Now soliciting papers from all units and social science workers,The specific matters are notified as follows:

1. Essay topic selection

The essay collection for this bet365 app download forum includes but is bet365 online live casino not limited to the following topics:

(1)Port opening and regional economic development driven by policy;

(2)Construction and optimization of port coordination mechanism;

(3)The development of cross-border industrial chain from the perspective of win-win cooperation;

(4)Innovation in port logistics and supply chain management;

(5)Digital integration of cross-border e-commerce and port economy;

(6)International trade rules and practices in port economy;

(7)Port security prevention and control and international cooperation;

(8)Optimization of port business environment and facilitation of cross-border trade;

(9)International gateway hub construction and global supply chain management;

(10)Port economy and the opening up and development of inland areas.

2. Submission requirements

bet365 app download 1) The article should be within 8000 words;

2) Abide by academic ethics and norms, and have original papers;

3) Format of submitted papers (see attachment,Can be applied directly)

3. Submission method

Manuscript format:Word electronic version

File naming: unit+Author’s name+Collection of papers for the 5th Port Forum

Submission email:1052832235@qq.com

Indicate in the subject line of the email: Contribution to the 5th Shaanxi Port Economic Development Forum (unit+author’s name)

4. Submission deadline


5.Contact information

The office of the forum organizing committee is located in the Scientific Research Department of Xi'an Institute of Translation and Translation.

lian Department Person: Teacher Yan  QQ:1052832235  Mobile: 13259803930

Teacher Li  QQ:284584835   Mobile: 15902948032

Office phone number:029-85895934  85891589

Attachment: Format of submitted paper

Xi'an Translation University Social Sciences Association  Shaanxi Port Development Research Institute


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