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Notice on the completion of the Shaanxi Higher Education Association’s 2022 special bet365 bet365 login for private universities

Editor: Research Department Published: 2023-10-31 Clicks:

Accepting the notice from the Shaanxi bet365 login, we are hereby notified of the following matters regarding the completion of special projects for private universities in 2022:

1. Scope of acceptance of the problem

"Notice on the Announcement of the bet365 login Result of Special Projects for Private Universities in 2022 by Shaanxi Higher Education Society" (Shaanxi Higher Education Society [2022) No. 6] approved scientific research projects.

2. bet365 login closing and acceptance procedures

1.Major bidding projects and key projectsThe society will organize the appraisal of results, and after formal review and expert review, a completion certificate will be issued. The bet365 login leader needs to submit the following materials to the society in paper version (in triplicate) and electronic version: bet365 login completion report, research report, and bet365 login results materials.

2.General itemsThe bet365 login completion will be organized by each member unit. After the evaluation results are confirmed by the society, a bet365 login completion certificate will be issued. Each member unit is required to submit the following materials to the society in paper version (one copy) and electronic version: bet365 login completion report, research report and bet365 login results materials.

3. Requirements for closing materials

1. Closing materials must be bound into one volume. They are required to be printed on A4 paper and bound on the left side.

The bet365 login completion materials include the "Shaanxi Province Higher Education Association 2022 Private College Special bet365 login Completion Report" (Attachment 1), research reports, bet365 login results materials, and "bet365 login Closing Application Summary Form" (Attachment 2).

2. If there is any change in the bet365 login leader and other information of the bet365 login team, the "Application Form for Change of Important bet365 login Matters" must be filled out and submitted to the society as closing materials.

3. Research results include monographs, compilations, reports, papers, etc. The social benefits that have been achieved must be submitted for adoption.

5. After being reviewed and stamped by the scientific research department of the bet365 login supporting unit, the application shall be submitted uniformly.

6. Submission time and location: Each bet365 login leader is required to submit electronic and paper versions of the completion materials before November 3. The electronic version will be sent to the email address: 2877598051@qq.com. Overdue applications will not be accepted.

Contact: Wang Yangyang Lei Qianying

Contact number: 029-85895934 85891589

Scientific Research Department

October 31, 2023
