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To accelerate the construction of Qin Chuangyuan in Shaanxi Province,Our province will soon issue policy documents to promote the entrepreneurship and business establishment of university scientific researchers,To provide a realistic basis for the formulation of policy mission objectives,We are now conducting a thorough investigation on the situation of enterprises bet365 online games and led by university scientific researchers in 2021。Currently counting the number of companies bet365 online games by our school’s scientific researchers in 2021。Specific include: scientific researchers establishing enterprises as legal persons,Scientific researchers use technology stocks、Participating in enterprises through cash shares and other methods。Please ask our school teachers (corporate legal persons) to submit the "Statement Form of Enterprises bet365 online games by University Scientific Research Personnel" before 12:00 on March 8 (Tuesday),Can be sent privately to the email address (porteco1589@163.com)。
Contact number: 029-85891589
Science and Technology bet365 online games
March 5, 2022