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The young man who won the National Award for bet365 online live casino Translation-Cao Siyi

Author: Zhang Jiayi Zhang Luyang Editor: Lu Yan Published: 2024-03-21 Clicks:

Exclusive interview with our bet365 online live casino in 2023

National Scholarship Winner Cao bet365 online live casino

Qu Yuan once said, “The ruler is short”,Every inch has its advantages”,This is Cao Siyi’s favorite sentence。This sentence reminds everyone to be modest and cautious,Don’t be too conceited,Even if you are excellent in some aspects,We must also recognize the shortcomings,Use this as a mirror,Check yourself at any time,Thinking about whether you are off course,This guides Cao Siyi to work hard,Full harvest during college。She was honored as an outstanding student leader in the 2021-2022 school year,National Inspirational Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year,Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres in 2022,Second Prize in the 16th National Reputation Teaching Achievements Exhibition,Third Prize in the Northwest Division of the 2023 China College Student Computer Design Competition,Outstanding member of the 2023 Western bet365 online live casino Party Member Pioneer Reserve Team,Received 3 professional skills honors,2 cultural and sports honors,1 English Honors,Won many honors including Level 4 and Level 6 certificates。

Be grateful and persevere

Time alone brings happiness。For a socially awkward person,When you feel confused,Believe that being alone will be another kind of good time。For Cao bet365 online live casino,The biggest difficulty is interpersonal communication,Relatively introverted personality,She is not good at communicating with others,But she won’t worry too much about interpersonal problems,Instead focus on things you like or study。Of course,Some things cannot be resolved through self-digestion,When she starts to fall into self-doubt,Friends’ encouragement and companionship、The support of her teachers and counselors is her biggest motivation to get out of the predicament。In the process,She also took the initiative to share with reporters what her teacher said to her: "Learning is not for us to become refined egoists,Rather, let us become the communityA person who bet365 online live casino useful and valuable. ”

Cao bet365 online live casino understands,Obtaining these honors is inseparable from the school’s cultivation、Teacher’s teachings、Encouragement from family、Support from friends。With this gratitude,She will go longer in life、Further。

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While studying,Cao bet365 online live casino also participated in many volunteer service activities。She confessed,The essence of volunteer service is dedication、It’s about helping others、It is to help people in need get out of trouble,Feel the joy of helping others in the process,Reflect one’s social value。She also skillfully combines her interests with volunteer service,Start from talents and specialties,Transform your passion for interests into volunteer services,Maintain the enthusiasm for learning and work。

Finally,Cao bet365 online live casino’s message to the younger students,Cherish time,Seize the moment,Maintain a positive attitude towards life。Stay calm in the crowd,Focus on doing your own thing,The light will eventually be seen。

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