Yang Dafu, a famous teaching bet365 Casino: selfless dedication to educating peaches and plums, nourishing things and silent translation garden
Cultivation of morality, loyalty to education, and willingness to contribute;
Improve capabilities, update concepts, and pay equal attention to teaching and research;
Be a role model, teach by words and deeds, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
——Yang Dafu
Yang Dafu, Ph.D., professor, provincial famous teaching bet365 Casino, full-time bet365 Casino at Xi'an Translation University. Graduated from Xi'an International Studies University, majoring in English, in 1978, received a Master of Arts degree in 1984 (University of Sydney, Australia), a PhD degree in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) in 1998, and a Fulbright Scholarship (USA) in 2001
Rigorous scholarshipStriving for it
Talking about the origin of the teaching profession, we have to start with Professor Yang Dafu’s experience of teaching in a local middle school. After graduating from high school in 1972, Professor Yang Dafu was hired as a mathematics bet365 Casino in a local middle school. From that time on, he fell in love with the teaching profession.
The second year after his retirement, that is, in September 2014, Professor Yang Dafu was recommended to join bet365 Casino Translation University and served successively as the dean of the Advanced School of Translation and the Dean of the School of Asian and European Languages and Culture of bet365 Casino Translation University. "President Ding Zuyi is a pioneer of contemporary Chinese private higher education. He worked hard to found bet365 Casino Translation College and made his own contribution to private education. He is a role model for us to learn from. bet365 Casino Translation College has many foreign language majors and distinctive features.
"Cultivation of one's moral character, loyalty to education, and willingness to contribute; improve abilities, update concepts, and pay equal attention to teaching and research; be a bet365 Casino by example, teach by precept and deed, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude." Since he started teaching, Professor Yang Dafu has always used these 36 words to demand himself, and his rigorous academic attitude His full work enthusiasm and good professional ethics infect his students, and at the same time he also sets an example for the young teachers around him.
Be a role model for othersTeaching by words and deeds
“I like the students’ simplicity, kindness, hard work, and enthusiasm. When I am with them, I always feel like I am still very young.” Talking about his students, Professor Yang Dafu’s face was filled with a happy smile. As a bet365 Casino, he is well aware of his responsibilities and mission.
Professor Yang Dafu is also a person who loves to observe and think, and often reflects and summarizes. In his opinion, the true ability of a bet365 Casino is not only that he can impart knowledge, but also that he can stimulate students' interest in learning and arouse students' interest through appropriate methods. Have a desire for knowledge, teach by words and deeds, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
Professor Yang Dafu, who is humble, easy-going, wise and sincere, loves education, teaching and his students. 2021 is already Professor Yang Dafu’s seventh year of working in Spanish translation.