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Editor: dzbgs Published: 2023-06-16 Clicks:

Chapter 1  Total  then

bet365 online live casino In order to thoroughly implement the party’s educational spirit,Promote the construction of a modern university system,Regulating the organization and behavior of the Academic Committee of Xi’an Translation University,Improving school talent training、Scientific research、Ability to serve society and inherit cultural heritage,Based on the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China"、The provisions of the Ministry of Education's "Regulations of the Academic Committee of Higher Education Institutions", "The Charter of Xi'an Translation University" and other relevant laws, regulations and rules,Based on the actual situation of the school,Develop this charter。

Article 2 The Academic Committee of Xi’an Translation University is the highest academic institution of the school,Coordinate and implement the school’s talent training、Discipline and major construction、Scientific research、Academic Exchange、Academic evaluation、Decision-making on major academic affairs such as academic atmosphere and academic ethics construction、Deliberation、Evaluation and consultation powers and play an important role。Continuously improve the academic management system、Systems and Norms,Actively explore effective ways for professors to conduct academic work。

Article 3 The Academic Committee insists on fairness、Justice、Principle of openness,Strive to maintain the school’s academic reputation,Follow academic rules,Advocate for academic freedom,Encourage academic innovation,Promote talent cultivation,Promote the spirit of science,Establish a good academic style,Maintain the academic reputation of the school,Promote the scientific development of schools。

Chapter 2  Organization

Article 4 The school academic committee has special committees or subcommittees。The Teaching Working Committee under the Academic Committee of the school、Science and Technology Working Committee、Professional Title Review Committee、Study style and academic ethics committee; respectively responsible for relevant responsibilities and academic affairs,Cultivating talents in schools (professional construction、Verification and evaluation of cooperative education model、Cultivation plan approval、Education and Teaching Reform Project Evaluation and Awards,Education and teaching model review、Teaching team building and evaluation、Recognition and evaluation of famous teaching teachers、Course Construction and Evaluation、Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Establishment and Evaluation、The introduction and export of educational resources and other academic affairs),Project establishment and review of scientific research (discipline construction、Master’s degree program、Technology team building、Construction and evaluation of major scientific research platforms、Technology Cooperation、Social Services),Professional title review, Deliberation on major academic matters such as the construction of academic style and investigation and handling of academic misconduct、Assessment and consulting work。The academic committee may also authorize special committees to handle other academic affairs,Perform corresponding duties。Each special committee can make relevant suggestions to the academic committee of the school,And complete the relevant work assigned by the school academic committee。Subcommittees may be established in secondary colleges or subject areas based on actual conditions,Each special committee and subcommittee should formulate corresponding work regulations,And carry out work independently and in accordance with regulations,Accept the business guidance and supervision of the school’s academic committee。

Article 5 The members of the academic committee of the school are composed of different disciplines in the school、Professional professors and personnel with senior professional and technical positions or above,The number of people is 19-29,There should be a certain proportion of young teachers under 45 years old (including 45 years old)。You can also invite some external experts。

Article 6 The number of members of each professional committee and academic subcommittee is 7-19,The academic committee of the school shall review bet365 sports betting platform bet365 sports betting platform the establishment plan and candidates based on the election status of the elected members and the development level of each discipline。

Article 7 Method for selecting members of the academic committee of the school:

(1) The members of the academic committee of the school are composed of each college、Department Nomination,The school board proposes candidates after comprehensive consideration,Approved by the university professors conference。

(2) Members of each special committee and subcommittee are nominated by each secretariat,Decided after discussion by the Academic Committee。

(3) Members of the school academic committee who hold party and government leadership positions in the school and functional departments,Not more than 1/4 of the total number of committee members; full-time professors who do not hold party and government leadership positions or are the main person in charge of the college,Not less than 1/2 of the total number of committee members。

Article 8 Members of the academic committee are appointed by the principal,Implement term system,Every term is four years,Election every four years,Can be re-elected,However, the maximum number of consecutive terms shall not exceed two terms; the Academic Committee shall be re-elected each time,The proportion of re-elected members shall not exceed 2/3 of the total number of members。

Article 9 The school academic committee shall have one chairman,1 executive deputy director,1-3 Vice Chairman。Chairman、The deputy chairman is nominated by the school board,Elected by all members of the school academic committee。1-2 honorary directors can be established as needed。

Article 10 Members of the school academic committee should meet the following basic conditions:

(1) High academic attainments、Correct academic style、Rigorous scholarship、Fair and decent;

(2) Working on the front line of teaching and scientific research,In subject、Authoritative and representative in the professional field;

(3) Care about the construction and development of the school,Love school education,Enthusiasm for academic discussions;

(4) Good health,Able to ensure timely performance of academic committee member duties;

(5) Conditions stipulated by other schools.

Article 11 Secretariat under the Academic Committee of the school,Responsible for handling daily affairs; operating expenses of the Academic Committee,Should be included in the school budget arrangement。Each special committee has a secretariat,Affiliated to the corresponding functional department。

Article 12 A member of the Academic Committee has the following bet365 bet365 circumstances during his term of office,Decided after discussion at the plenary meeting of the Academic Committee,Can be removed or allowed to resign as a member:

(1) Actively apply to resign from the position of committee member;

(2) Because of the body、Unable to perform duties due to age, job change, etc.;

(3) Neglecting to perform duties or violating committee members’ obligations;

(4) Violation of law、Violating teachers’ professional ethics or academic misconduct;

(5) Those who are unable or unsuitable to serve as committee members due to other reasons。

Article 13 Additional members of the Academic Committee

Due to one of the circumstances stipulated in Article 12 of this Article,There is a vacancy for members of the academic committee of the school,Additional members can be added in due course。Additional members are nominated by members of the academic committee or the secretariat of the school,Discussed and determined by the school academic committee。

Chapter 3  Responsibilities and permissions

Article 14 Members of the Academic Committee have the following rights:

(1) Be aware of the school’s various management systems related to academic affairs、Information, etc.;

(2) Provide consultation or inquiry to relevant functional departments of the school on academic affairs;

(3) Freedom in Academic Committee meetings、Express opinions independently,Discussion、Review and vote on various resolutions;

(4) Make suggestions on the academic affairs of the school and the work of the academic committee、Implement supervision;

(5) Other rights stipulated in the school charter or the academic committee charter。

Article 15 Members of the Academic Committee must fulfill the following obligations:

(1) Abide by the national constitution、Laws and regulations,Abide by academic regulations、Abide by academic ethics;

(2) Comply with the Charter of the Academic Committee,Adhere to academic and professional judgment,Perform duties fairly;

(3) Diligent and conscientious,Actively participate in academic committee meetings and related activities;

(4) Other obligations stipulated in the school charter or the academic committee charter。

Article 16 Before the school makes decisions on the following matters,Should be submitted to the Academic Committee for review,Or submit it to the Academic Committee for review and decision directly:

(1) Subject、Professional and teacher team building plan,and scientific research、Major academic plans such as foreign academic exchanges and cooperation;

(2) Independently set up or apply to set up disciplines and majors;

(3) Academic institution bet365 casino games bet365 setting plan,Interdisciplinary、Construction plan of interdisciplinary collaborative innovation mechanism、Discipline resource allocation plan;

(4) Teaching and scientific research results、Evaluation standards and assessment methods for the quality of talent training;

(5) Degree awarding standards and details,Cultivation standards for academic education、Teaching plan、Enrollment standards and methods;

(6) Academic standards and methods for appointment of school teachers;

(7) Academic evaluation、Dispute Handling Rules,Academic ethics;

(8) Organizational Rules of the Special Committee of the Academic Committee,Academic Subcommittee Charter;

(9) Other academic matters that the school deems necessary to be submitted for review。

Article 17 The school implements the following matters,Involving evaluation of academic level,Should be evaluated by the Academic Committee or its authorized special committee:

(1) School teaching、Scientific research results and awards,Recommended teaching for external parties、Scientific Research Achievement Award;

(2) Candidates for high-level talent introduction positions、Honorary (Visiting) Professor Appointment Candidates,Recommend candidates for important academic organizations at home and abroad、Talent selection and training plan candidates;

(3) Independently establish various academic institutions、Research Fund、Scientific research projects and teaching、Scientific research awards, etc.;

(4) Other matters that need to be evaluated for academic level.

Article 18 Before the school makes the following decisions,Should be notified to the Academic Committee,Advice provided by the Academic Committee:

(1) Develop an overall picture related to academic affairs、Major development plans and development strategies;

(2) Teaching in School Budget and Final Accounts、Arrangement, allocation and use of scientific research funds;

(3) Teaching、Declaration of major scientific research projects and allocation and use of funds;

(4) Carry out Sino-foreign cooperative education、Going to study abroad,Carry out cooperation on major external projects;

(5) Other matters that the school deems it necessary to listen to the opinions of the academic committee。

The academic committee expresses different opinions on the above matters,The school should make an explanation、Renegotiate and study or suspend execution。

Article 19 The academic committee shall comply with relevant regulations and entrustment by the school,Accept reports of academic misconduct and investigate,Judgment of academic disputes。

Academic bet365 casino games bet365 app download committee investigates academic misconduct、Judgment of academic disputes,An authoritative and neutral expert group should be organized,Independent investigation and evidence collection from an academic perspective,Conduct investigation and determination objectively and impartially。Conclusion of the expert group,Parties have objections,The academic committee should organize a review,A hearing can be held if necessary。

Regarding behavior that violates academic ethics,The academic committee may directly revoke or recommend relevant departments to revoke the corresponding academic title of the party in accordance with its authority、Academic treatment,And you can report to the school at the same time、Relevant departments make suggestions,By HR、Disciplinary inspection and other relevant departments shall handle it in accordance with relevant regulations。

Chapter 4  Rules of Procedure

Article 20 The school academic committee implements a regular meeting system,Convene at least one full committee meeting every semester。According to work needs,Proposed by the Chairman of the Academic Committee or the Principal,Or jointly proposed by more than 1/3 of the members,A plenary meeting of the academic committee can be held temporarily,Discuss、Decision-related important matters。The academic committee can authorize special committees to handle special academic affairs,Perform corresponding duties。

Article 21 The Director of the Academic Committee is responsible for convening and presiding over meetings of the Academic Committee,When necessary,You can entrust the deputy chairman to convene and chair the meeting。A plenary meeting of the academic committee can only be held if 2/3 or more of the members are present。

Relevant information on the topics of the plenary meeting of the Academic Committee must be sent to all members in advance by the Secretariat of the Academic Committee。With the consent of more than 1/3 of the members attending the meeting,You can add topics temporarily。

Article 22 The academic committee shall implement the principle of majority submission to the decision-making process of the academic committee,Major matters must be agreed by 2/3 or more of the members present,Only before passing。

Matters considered, decided or evaluated at the academic committee meeting,Decisions should generally be made by secret ballot; it can also be based on the nature of the matter,Adopt real-name voting。

Article 23 The academic committee implements a recusal system。The matters reviewed or evaluated by the Academic Committee are related to the members themselves, their spouses bet365 app download bet365 app download and immediate family members,Or those with interests,Relevant committee members should recuse themselves。

Article 24 Academic committee meetings can be based on topics,Set up auditorium,Allow relevant school functional departments、Teachers and student representatives attended as observers。

The decision made by the academic committee should be made public,And set an objection period。If there is any objection during the objection period,With the approval of more than 1/3 of the committee members,Can convene a plenary meeting for review。The decision after review is final。

Article 25 The academic committee evaluates the overall academic level of the school every year、Discipline Development、Comprehensive evaluation of the quality of talent training,Advice、Suggestion; summarize the operation of the academic committee and the performance of its duties。

Chapter 5  Attachment  then

Article 26 This charter was discussed and approved by the Academic Committee of the Economic School,Report to the school board for approval,Effective from the date of issuance,The secretariat of the school academic committee is responsible for the explanation。

Article 27 The original "Articles of the Academic Committee of Xi'an Translation University (Trial) (Xi'an Translation University Fa [2017] No. 47)" is abolished at the same time。

Article 28 Matters not covered in this charter will be discussed and decided by the academic committee of the school.

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