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bet365 app download notice on June 2nd

Source: Logistics Group bet365 app download Department Published: 2017-06-01 Clicks:

All units and departments of the school:

According to the notice from the bet365 app download Supply Bureau, 2017 6 2 Morning6hour to night23. In order to ensure the normal teaching and living order of teachers and students, the school decided to generate electricity.

1. bet365 app download supply range

1. Teaching building:7:301230

2. Library: Morning8:0013:00, PM15:3018:30

3. Restaurant: Breakfast6:0013:30, PM15:3019:00

4. apartment:19:3023:00

5. Technology Building:7:3018:00

6. South District Kindergarten:6:3013:00

7. Medical Clinic: Morning6:3013:30, PM15:3018:30

2. bet365 app download scope

1. apartment:7:0019:30

2. At construction sites, bet365 app download will be stopped or limited depending on the situation.

3. In the southern district, only the water supply pumps use electricity in the morning, afternoon and evening, and there is no bet365 app download supply for other areas.

3. Precautions

1. During the bet365 app download supply period in each canteen, high-bet365 app download electrical equipment will be suspended.

2. For personal safety, please do not operate on electrical appliances to prevent early calls.

3. Since the generator supplies bet365 app download and the voltage is unstable, please do not use the computer to avoid damage.

4. The bet365 app download of the Power Supply Bureau may be extended, so please be prepared for emergencies.

5. In the event of an emergency bet365 app download or switching between power outages and power supply operations, please remain calm.

                                                                   bet365 app download Department of Logistics Group

                                                                   2017 6 1
