All teachers and students:
According to the school leaders’ reception bet365 best sports betting app system regulations,The relevant matters related to the twelfth school leaders’ reception bet365 best sports betting app event this semester are now notified as follows:
一、Reception time: bet365 best sports betting app 30 (Wednesday) 14:30-17:00
二、bet365 best sports betting app leader: Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Yi Xiaoyu
Accompanying receptionist: Li Xueying, deputy director bet365 best sports betting app Party and Mass Affairs Office
三、bet365 best sports betting app location: Office of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission (A301, northwest corner of the third floor of the Science and Technology Building)
4. bet365 best sports betting app targets: All teachers, students and staff of the school
五、Reservation method: Teachers and students of the school who are interested in participating in the reception day activities please go to the administrative section of the school office (south side of the second floor of the Science and Technology Building before 17:00 pm on bet365 best sports betting app 29 (Tuesday),Tel: 85891171) Make an appointment to register and participate in the reception day activities in the order arranged by the school office。
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