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Our school held bet365

Author: Correspondent: Lu Jingwen Editor: Qi Dazhan Source: bet365 Center Published: 2018-10-15 Clicks:

On the morning of October 12th, bet365 organized by the Teacher Development Center was held in the large conference room on the second floor of the Science and Technology Building. Our school’s president Han Jiangshui, director of the Development Planning Office (school-level supervision group) Wu Lianshu, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office Meng Xianjun, deputy director of the Personnel Office and deputy director of the Teacher Development Center Cang Xiangrong, deans and teaching deputy directors of each secondary college

At the seminar, Cang Xiangrong, deputy director of the Personnel Department and deputy director of the bet365 Center, reported on the work carried out since the establishment of the bet365 Center, and gave guidance to teachers in terms of guiding ideology and goals, work points and measures, etc. A brief report was given on the future work ideas of the Development Center.

At the meeting, Assistant Principal Liang Ming made the following arrangements for the work of the bet365 Center: First, make it clear that the nature of the bet365 Center is a service department, not a management department; second, create a culture of teacher ability development, with "other Third, combine the school's own characteristics, analyze the composition of the teacher team in detail, and create a training model suitable for the school's actual situation.

Principal Han Jiangshui spoke at the meeting. He affirmed the fruitful work carried out by the bet365 Center and raised several questions worth pondering: first, what issues does the new education ecology bring to the construction of the teacher team that need to be considered; second, should we focus on both

Han Jiangshui talked about the issue of teacher training from the perspective of teachers' knowledge structure, ability structure and the relationship between the two, and elaborated on bet365 work in five words - "planning, guidance, service, consultation and bridge" positioning.

Some heads of functional departments and deans of secondary colleges who participated in the meeting put forward valuable suggestions on bet365, mainly including the construction of teacher ethics, focusing on the construction of "double first-class", and the use and application of modern educational technology for teachers. training, teachers’ international exchanges and cooperation, teachers’ professional development and career planning and other issues.
