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Our school held a promotion meeting on the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform and professional bet365 sports betting platform

Author: Reporter: Wang Yanan Shi Fengchao Editor: Qi Dazhan Source: Propaganda Department Published: 2018-09-25 Clicks:

On the afternoon of September 24, our school’s Academic Affairs Office and School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship held a work promotion meeting on the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform and professional bet365 sports betting platform in the Creative Café. Vice President and Provost Qi Yushui, Assistant to the President and Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Zhang Heng, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office Chen Xiao, Erya Company Curriculum and Technology Consultant Cheng Cheng and others attended the meeting.

Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office Chen Xiao first gave a brief introduction to the background and purpose of this meeting. Secondly, he proposed six integrations of innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform and professional bet365 sports betting platform based on the construction of quality courses.

Zhang Heng, assistant to the principal and dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, first summarized the construction and reform work process of our school’s innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform curriculum and the preliminary results achieved. Secondly, he explained the necessity, feasibility and urgency of the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform and professional bet365 sports betting platform from three perspectives: why integration, how integration and future integration direction.

Vice President and Provost Qi Yushui fully affirmed the achievements of our school’s innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform in recent years, and pointed out that innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform for college students is an important part of higher bet365 sports betting platform. In order to fully implement the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship bet365 sports betting platform, The bet365 sports betting platform and teaching process in colleges and universities must clearly grasp the "

During the period, Chengcheng, the course and technical consultant of Erya Company, gave a detailed introduction to the steps, precautions and specific methods in the construction and recording of quality courses. After the meeting, the person in charge of each course had an in-depth discussion with the consultant of Erya Company on course registration matters.

Vice President and Provost Qi Yushui’s speech

Zhang Heng, Assistant to the President and Dean of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, speaks

Erya Learning Technology Technical Consultant explains MOOC
