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The leaders of the Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Shaanxi Province visited our bet365 sports betting platform for visit and guidance

Author: Reporter: Xin Bo Yin Haiyixiang Source: Propaganda Department Published: 2018-08-24 Clicks:

On the afternoon of August 23, Lu Xuequan, honorary president of Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Shaanxi Province, Han Liwen, executive vice president and rotating president, Zhai Muzheng, executive vice president, Cao Xuwen, executive vice president, Chen Yuekun, executive vice president Jiang Jianxing and others came to our bet365 sports betting platform to visit and provide guidance.

At the symposium, Vice President and General Manager of the Logistics Group Han Yue welcomed the guests and introduced the bet365 sports betting platform’s history, current scale and development plan in detail. Han Yue said that as the pioneer of private education in China, Xi'an Translation College has always been at the forefront of private colleges and universities, adopting the applied talent training model of "foreign language + major + innovation and entrepreneurship skills" and "professional + foreign language + innovation and entrepreneurship skills"

Lv Xuequan, honorary president of the Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Shaanxi Province, praised the scale of our bet365 sports betting platform and various achievements, and said that Xi'an Translation College is unique in terms of internal management system and self-running schools, which left a deep impression on him impression.

Vice President and General Manager of Logistics Group Han Yue gave a welcome speech

Lv Xuequan, Honorary President of Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Shaanxi Province, speaks

Guests learned about the overall layout of the bet365 sports betting platform in front of the sand table

Visit the bet365 sports betting platform history museum

Taking a group photo
