The regular teaching meeting for the second semester of the 2016-2017 bet365 online casino app year was successfully held in the conference room on the second floor of the Science and Technology Building on the afternoon of May 31st
Li Yan, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, discusses the overall situation of the mid-term teaching inspection this semester
A comprehensive summary report was made in four aspects including the random inspection of the final examination papers of last semester and the random inspection of the 2016 graduation thesis
Experience exchange on the main achievements achieved in bet365 online casino app-enterprise cooperation
Qi Yushui, vice president and provost of the bet365 online casino app, reported on the organization of the bet365 online casino app-level preliminary competition of the third "Internet +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shaanxi Division
We must also see the opportunities for bet365 online casino app development and the achievements made by the bet365 online casino app in the past 30 years
Finally, Fan Wei, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, gave a brief summary of this regular teaching meeting
Executive Vice President Zhai Zhendong’s speech
Vice President Qi Yushui’s speech