The faculty meeting of the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School was held in classroom 3324 on the afternoon of November 2nd. 109 faculty and staff from the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School attended the conference.
At the meeting, Yang Dafu, dean of the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School, first introduced the new teachers and counselors who joined the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School one by one and expressed a warm welcome. Vice President Guo Mei read out the school reform to all faculty and staff. The spirit of the relevant adjusted documents clarified the organizational structure of the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School and the division of responsibilities of team members. Vice President Fu Yalin made arrangements for the recent work of the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker School.
Dean Yang Dafu made an important speech. He proposed that the development and innovation of Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker College will provide students with a good learning environment and place. The college plans to build learning experience venues for seven bet365bet365 best bookmaker and cultures, and gave a good outlook for the future development of Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker College.
Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker InstituteDeanYang Dafu:Remain true to our original aspirations, move forward with inspiration, and jointly promote the work of the Asia-Europe bet365bet365 best bookmaker Institute to a new level