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Author: Text/Ma Shufen Picture/Lu Yan Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: International Exchange and Cooperation Office Published: 2024-09-10 Clicks:

Morning of September 10th,Our school holds the opening ceremony for international students in the fall of 2024。Vice President Guo Wei attended the event and delivered a speech。Zhou Rui, director of the International Student Program of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation、Deng Jing, director of international student courses、International student management teacher Ma Shufen and 33 international students participated in this event。The opening bet365 ceremony was hosted by Wang Mingming, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office and Dean of the School of International Exchange。

On behalf of all the teachers and students of bet365 online live casino Xi'an Translation University, Guo Wei extended a warm welcome to the overseas students from Korea and Russia,And briefly introduced the history and culture of Shaanxi and the development of Xi'an Translation University。He hopes that students can make full use of the good language resources and environment of Xi'an Translation University,Consciously abide by the school’s rules and disciplines,Be able to pay attention to safety during school,bet365 casino games Develop good study habits and living habits,Plan your study time properly for this semester,Work hard to learn Chinese,Actively communicate with the teacher if you encounter any problems,Spanish translation is not just a palace for students to learn knowledge,It is everyone’s warm home and spiritual harbor。

Deng Jing briefly introduced the course content of this semester and the related credit system to the international students。I hope that international students will strictly abide by our school’s rules and regulations in the future,Cherish this valuable study abroad experience,Feel and integrate into this beautiful campus with your heart。

Also,Three student representatives from Russian World Civilization University spoke,They actively expressed their hopes for a bright future between Chinese and Russian schools in Chinese。19 students from Minin University brought a Russian song performance,The atmosphere was warm and cheerful。

Finally, Guo Wei distributed opening gifts to 33 international students.


Vice President Guo Wei attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech

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Student representative speaks

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Russian song performance by international students

The Western Translation held the opening ceremony for international students in the fall of 2024

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