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Author: Li Yan Editor: Zhu Aijuan Published: 2024-08-10 Clicks:

Recently,Good news from the 46th UNESCO World Heritage Conference,China’s World Cultural Heritage nomination project “Beijing Central Axis—A Masterpiece of China’s Ideal Capital Order” was successfully included in the World Heritage List。This news has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad,Famous British Sinologist、Translator、Visiting Professor of Spanish Translation Pu Huajie in an interview with People’s Daily Online,Highly commend this achievement,And deeply discussed the bet365 sports betting platform Chinese wisdom and experience contained in Beijing’s Central Axis。

Professor Pu Huajie said: “From the Bell and Drum Tower to Yongding Gate,Walking along the central axis of Beijing,Those well-preserved historical relics are like vivid historical pictures,It is deeply shocking。The successful application of Beijing’s Central Axis as a World Heritage Site,Not only an affirmation of its historical value,It has also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese experience to the protection of world cultural heritage”。

Interviewing,Pu Huajie spoke highly of China’s concept of cultural heritage protection。He thinks,China not only bet365 pays attention to the physical restoration of ancient buildings,More emphasis on the cultural memory and spiritual value carried by cultural heritage。He also visited the Forbidden City in China、Xi’an City Wall、Appreciate the restoration work of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall and other ancient buildings,Think these restorations allow visitors to gain a more accurate understanding of history,Feel the profound heritage of Chinese culture。

It is reported,Pu Huajie is in the process of applying for this project,Help complete a large amount of translation work,Contributed the strength of Xi’an Translation University bet365 sports betting platform to the successful approval of the project。

Looking to the future,Pu Huajie is confident in the prospects of China’s cultural heritage protection。He thinks,With the continuous improvement of policies and the increasingly perfect mechanism,China’s cultural heritage protection work will respect and protect historical and cultural traditions at a higher level。He hopes that China can continue to contribute more Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the protection of world cultural heritage。

Attachment: Interview link http://cpc.people.com.cn/n1/2024/0809/c64387-40295593.html

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