The 15th Academic bet365 app download meeting was held in the Science and Technology Building on the afternoon of June 13th. All members of the school’s bet365 app download and all members of the secretariat attended the meeting.
Cui Zhilin announced the members of the 15th Bachelor’s bet365 app download. Qin Xiaomei, Secretary-General of the University bet365 app download Secretariat, reported on the graduation qualification review and degree-granting qualification review of our school’s 2023 graduates, as well as the proposed list of 2023 graduates and degree-granting students, and submitted it to the conference for review.
The committee members carefully reviewed the recommended list of degree awards for the 2023 graduates, expressed their opinions and voted respectively. Under the supervision of the school's Discipline Inspection Committee staff, the secretariat will tally the voting results.
Cui Zhilin affirmed the extensive and meticulous work done by the degree evaluation subcommittees of each secondary college and the secretariat of the school bet365 app download in the early stage, and put forward requirements for degree awarding and graduate services. One is to adhere to standards.
The 15th bet365 app download Meeting was held in Western translation
The meeting was chaired by Cui Zhilin, chairman of the school’s bet365 app download