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Principal Cui Zhilin and his delegation went to the English College to conduct research on bet365 login

Author: Li Donghua Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: English College Published: 2023-06-14 Clicks:

On the afternoon of June 12, Principal Cui Zhilin and his delegation went to the English College to hold a research meeting on bet365 login work. Wu Juan, deputy director of the Human Resources Office, Wang Jingwen, deputy director of the Party and Government Office, Yuan Xiaolu, dean of the School of English, Li Yan, deputy dean of the School of English, as well as department heads and key teachers attended the meeting.

Cui Zhilin pointed out that the purpose of this survey is to explore an operating system that satisfies the differentiation of departments, majors, etc., improve the quality and efficiency of the school’s overall bet365 login, promote the improvement of teaching quality, stimulate teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching and research, and better serve Comprehensive student development services lay the foundation for high-quality development of the school.

Yuan Xiaolu introduced the bet365 login operation model adopted by the English School with team building as the starting point and course teaching team and practical workshops as the main forms. He also reported on the relevant achievements and future development plans of the school.

Li Yan introduced the organization method, operating mechanism, teacher work arrangement, student performance and feedback of the grassroots teaching in each department of the English School. The heads of each department explained the characteristics of the bet365 login of each department.

Cui Zhilin pointed out in his concluding speech that grassroots bet365 login organizations are the basic bet365 login units that implement bet365 login tasks, promote teachers’ bet365 login development, and organize and carry out academic research and bet365 login activities. The continuous deepening of education and bet365 login and the continuous improvement of bet365 login quality in our school are inseparable from the strong support of grassroots bet365 login organizations.

This symposium pointed out the direction for the standardized operation of the bet365 login of the English College. The college will take this meeting as an opportunity to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and innovation of all teachers, continue to make efforts to implement all aspects of education and teaching, continue to deepen education and teaching reforms, further improve the quality of applied talent training, and help the school become "double first-class".
