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The Western Translator attended the joint meeting of the Provincial Party bet365.bet365.com Education Working bet365.bet365.com and the Provincial Department of Education’s designated assistance units in Zizhou County and expressed condolences to the village team members

Author: Li Xueying Editor: Wang Lifeng Source: School Union Published: 2022-06-18 Clicks:

On June 16, Li Hucheng, Secretary of the Party bet365.com of our school, Wang Xiaohui, Deputy Secretary of the Party bet365.com and Chairman of the Labor Union, and their delegation went to Zizhou County, Yulin to attend a joint meeting of the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com and the Provincial Department of Education’s designated assistance units in Zizhou County.

At the bet365.com, each member unit reported on the village assistance work in 2021 and the work plan for 2022. Wang Xiaohui reviewed the work of our school in 2021 focusing on people's livelihood projects and consumption assistance.

Subsequently, Zizhou County Magistrate Zhao Guibo, on behalf of the county bet365.com and government, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com, the Provincial Department of Education and various assistance units for their long-term support and help. While affirming the contribution of designated assistance units in promoting rural revitalization, he raised the difficulties in introducing high-quality educational resources and constructing key educational projects, and asked relevant departments and towns to fully understand the work and life of village cadres.

Finally, Chen Naixia put forward six requirements: First, we must improve our political stance, deeply study and thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the effective connection between consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and effectively strengthen the assistance work We must have a sense of political responsibility, focus on reality, be based on the long-term, and use the spirit of nailing to make the work of targeted assistance in Zizhou County concrete and detailed. Rural revitalization should be included in the special rectification. The main leaders must effectively take responsibility; second, we must highlight the key points of the work.

After the bet365.com, all participants visited the Zizhou County E-Commerce Center to lay the foundation for the next step of expanding the consumption assistance model.

This meeting was organized by the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com and the Provincial Department of Education. Chen Naixia, deputy secretary of the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com, Sun Quanxue, director of the United Front Work bet365.com of the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com, full-time deputy secretary of the Provincial Party bet365.com Education Working bet365.com and the Provincial Department of Education Party bet365.com Secretary Li Jianwei and relevant major city and county leaders attended.

Before the bet365.com, Li Hucheng fully communicated and negotiated with Zizhou County Magistrate Zhao Guibo, Deputy Magistrates He Xiaoming and Pang Yongchao about the problems and difficulties existing in the construction of the Caowan Village project, and reached a consensus. After the bet365.com arrangements, Li Hucheng and Wang Xiaohui drove to Caowan Village to visit and express condolences to our school's village assistance team members.

The Spanish translation participated in the joint meeting of the Provincial bet365.com Education Working bet365.com and the Provincial Department of Education’s designated assistance units in Zizhou County

The school leaders drove to Caowan Village to visit and express condolences to our school’s village assistance team members
