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Our bet365 the “Safety Month” and “Safety Production Journey” activities

Author: Text/Li Wanlu Picture/Luo Lina Chen Rui Editor: Qi Xingyuan Source: Security Department Published: 2020-06-09 Clicks:

In order to carry out the 19th education system's "Safety Production Month" and "Safety Production Miles" activities, on June 9, our bet365 launched the "Safety Month" and "Safety Production Miles" launching ceremony. Our bet365 related The department signed the 2020 stability and safety work target responsibility letter, the fire safety work target responsibility letter, and the key key parts and key personnel target management responsibility letter, and arranged and deployed the key tasks of campus stability and safety in the next stage.

The launching ceremony was presided over by Zhang Zhi, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Vice President. During the event, Zhang Zhi read out the spirit of the bet365's "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the "Safety Production Month" and "Safety Production Miles" Activities in 2020; Cui Zhilin and Party Secretary Li Hucheng signed the document with the responsible comrades of the Logistics Support Department and the English bet365 respectively.

In his speech, Principal Han Jiangshui comprehensively and objectively summarized the main experiences and practices of the bet365’s stability and safety work since last year, pointed out the lessons and deficiencies in the work, and put forward specific requirements for the bet365’s stability and safety work in the next stage. .

At the ceremony, the "Notice of Xi'an Translation University on Organizing and Carrying out the "Safety Production Month" and "Safety Production Miles" Activities in 2020 was distributed to the responsible comrades of various departments. All bet365 leaders, responsible comrades of each department and student representatives of each branch signed on the inkjet printing board at the launching ceremony and pledged to "eliminate hidden dangers of accidents and build a strong safety line of defense."

Our bet365 the “Safety Month” and “Safety Production Journey” activities

Principal Han Jiangshui: Adhere to problem orientation, highlight work priorities, implement precise policies, and use greater efforts and more practical measures to promote the stable and safe situation for continuous improvement

Signed the responsibility letter for stable and safe work goals in 2020
