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Our bet365 Casino held the 2020 budget preparation meeting

Author: Reporter: Xin Bo Editor: Ma Lijuan Published: 2019-11-28 Clicks:

Our bet365 Casino held a bet365 Casino 2020 budget preparation work meeting in the Science and Technology Building on the morning of November 27, 2019. Principal Han Jiangshui and other bet365 Casino leaders, deans of secondary colleges, heads of various functional departments (including independent units) and budget officers attended the meeting.

The meeting agenda mainly contains five items. Zhao Yimei briefed the bet365 Casino on its 2019 budget implementation and existing problems, and put forward rational suggestions and requirements for the preparation of the 2020 budget.

At the meeting, Han Jiangshui made an important speech and talked about eight key points on how to prepare the 2020 budget. 1. The focus of the bet365 Casino's work tasks next year will be the unfinished work of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Budget preparation should follow the basic principles of "legitimacy, authenticity, completeness, scientificity, focus, and transparency" to ensure that the revenue is factual, reliable, and

At the end of the meeting, Section Chief Mao Liping of the Planning Management Section of the Planning and Finance Department conducted business training for all budget staff and explained the content of the 2020 budget preparation item by item.
