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Our bet365bet365 best bookmaker the 2019 Graduate Management Job Fair

Author: Reporter: Wan Miao Editor: Qi Dazhan Source: Propaganda Department Published: 2018-11-24 Clicks:

November 22ndAt noon, our bet365bet365 best bookmaker’s 2019 graduates’ business and management job fair was held in the lobby on the first floor of the Science and Technology Building. In this job fair, more than 100 companies came to our bet365bet365 best bookmaker to recruit talents, providing nearly 4,000 professional positions in logistics management, accounting, industry and commerce for graduates majoring in economics and management.

The bet365bet365 best bookmaker was in good order. Meng Xianjun, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, and some full-time teachers were on hand to provide job search guidance. The participating companies this time mainly provide clerical, personnel, teacher and other jobs.

It is understood that in order to ensure the employment of 2019 graduates, our bet365bet365 best bookmaker has established a special conference group to build a communication bridge between graduates and employers and handle various situations that arise during the recruitment process. In order to make it easier for students to understand the issue of household registration and settlement, a police station consultation booth was added to this job fair to encourage everyone to settle down and find employment locally.

Our bet365bet365 best bookmaker the 2019 Graduate Management Job Fair
