Afternoon,The finals of the Japanese bet365 online live casino competition of the Department of Eastern Languages and Cultures of the Asia-European Languages and Culture Institute are here4109TClassroom bet365 online live casino.2017level bet365 online live casino major students participated in this competition,All teachers from the bet365 online live casino major came to serve as judges and provide on-site guidance。
After many layers of screening, there are totally20groups stood out,Enter the finals。The players in each group are bet365 online live casino confidence,Eager to try,Perform specific performances of their respective entries。Based on character dialogue,Added performances、Kimono、cosplayOther novel ideas,Leave a deep impression on the audience and bet365 online live casino。where,5participated bet365 online live casino text to innovate,Through expressive language and appropriate actions,Presenting the friendship caused by a small accident to the audience in a relaxed and humorous way,Become a highlight of the game。And9is fluent in spoken language,Full of emotions,Show the emotions in the story vividly,Winning rounds of applause。Finally,Both teams have the same score,The bet365 online live casino crown won together。19bet365 online live casino second prize,10No.,13No.,18won the third prize。The bet365 online live casino also has a prize for the most beautiful voice,A series of awards including the Most Expressive Award。
The Kana writing competition for freshmen majoring in Japanese was also successfully held the day before,Students submitted dozens of creative kana calligraphy works。Kana writing competition and bet365 online live casino competition are a traditional activity in the second classroom of Japanese major,Not only provides everyone with the opportunity to practice speaking skills、A stage to fully express yourself,It is more conducive for students to enrich their college life,Learning in entertainment、Progress in the pursuit。At the same time, it also creates a cultural atmosphere of learning and improvement on campus。