Afternoon, Institute of Asian and European bet365.com and Cultures"The First Korean bet365.com Contest"at4102TClassroom held,Representatives of teachers and students of the Asia-European bet365.com and Culture Institute and representatives of various societies、Korean students and others participated in this event。
The competition is divided into two parts,The bet365.com step is the preparation of each group of players3-5minutes of video of your choice with your own bet365.com,The second step is to proceed1Minute talent show,The bet365.com of each group of students is excellent,The talent show is also full of creativity,Whether it’s singing、Skit、Tongue twister、Acting、Talk shows and other activities make the audience happy。
At halftime of the game,Representatives of bet365.com international students in our school sang a passionate bet365.com song "휘파람》,Enlivens the atmosphere,It also reduces the tension for subsequent contestants。
Pass this bet365.com competition,Students not only improved their Korean speaking skills,Inspires passion for learning,It also laid a good foundation for the future holding of Korean bet365.com competition。
Photo of winning contestants