4月19Day, Li Zhihui, Vice President of Shaanxi bet365 slot gamesng, Zhang Yi, Deputy Secretary-General and others7People carry out religious and cultural inspection activities.
The inspection team went to Xingjiao Temple, the first of the eight major temples in Fanchuan, Huayan Temple, Niutou Temple, Du Gong Temple and other places to conduct serious investigation and detailed research, and took detailed cultural and historical pictures. A large amount of picture materials have been accumulated for the Zhongnan Cultural Center.
This cultural inspection has played a positive role in promoting the bet365 slot gamesng to build a Zhongnan Cultural Center and strengthen in-depth research on Zhongnan culture. In the future, bet365 slot gamesng will closely focus on the school's "double first-class" construction and university culture construction, actively carry out work, and contribute to the school's 30th anniversary.