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bet365 Casino to Lintong and Lantian for cultural inspection

Author: Correspondent: Wang Xiaohong Source: bet365 Casino Published: 2017-04-19 Clicks:

On April 17, a delegation from the Shaanxi bet365 Casino began a cultural inspection of Lintong and Lantian on the eastern line of Zhongnan Shandong and collected materials for the Zhongnan Cultural Center. Zhai Zhendong, Executive Vice President of our school and President of bet365 Casino, Li Zhihui, Vice President of bet365 Casino, Secretary-General Shi Feixiang, Deputy Secretary-General Zhang Yi and other 9 people participated in this cultural inspection activity.

The inspection team visited the Hongmen Banquet site in Lintong,The former address of Wang Wei’s Wangchuan villa,Hong Qing’sWe carefully inspected and studied Qinkeng Rugu Valley and other places, and took detailed bet365 Casino and historical pictures, accumulating a large amount of picture materials for the Zhongnan bet365 Casino Center.

This cultural inspection has played a positive role in promoting the further construction of Zhongnan Cultural Center by bet365 Casino and strengthening in-depth research on Zhongnan culture. In the future, bet365 Casino will closely focus on the “double first-class” construction of the college and the construction of university culture, actively carry out work, and contribute to the 30th anniversary of the college.

bet365 Casino to Lintong and Lantian for cultural inspection
