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Professor bet365 of Xi’an International Studies University came to our bet365 to give an academic report

Author: Zhang Lixin Editor: Qi Dazhan Source: Institute of Asian and European Languages ​​and Cultures Published: 2016-11-29 Clicks:

Recently, a lecture with the theme of "Cultivation of Foreign Language Talents in the Context of the "One Belt, One Road" National Development Strategy" was held at the bet365 of Asian and European Languages ​​and Cultures of our bet365. This lecture by Professor Li Jianliang, a graduate tutor at Xi'an International Studies University, attracted Many teachers and students majoring in non-common languages.

In the lecture, Professor bet365 first interpreted the meaning of “One Belt, One Road” and the characteristics of foreign language talents in the context of national development strategies. Professor Li narrated many vivid examples based on his many years of working as a foreign affairs translator for major provincial and municipal leaders and front-line teaching experience, and described the demand for foreign language talents in the context of the “One Belt and One Road” from different angles, especially the employment situation for Russian language talents.

Mr. Guo Mei, deputy dean of the bet365 of Asian and European Languages ​​and Cultures of our bet365, made a concluding speech and expressed her sincere gratitude to Professor Li Jianliang. This lecture gave teachers and students a deeper understanding of the significance of my country's "One Belt, One Road" national development strategy and the national conditions of the countries along the route. It inspired students to take the initiative to learn foreign languages ​​and their sense of mission, and the majority of students became more interested in learning.

Professor Li Jianliang of Xi’an International Studies University came to our bet365 to give an academic report
