In order to implement the latest work points of the school bet365 online live casino in 2022 and give full play to the fighting fortress and vanguard model role of grassroots party organizations, on April 26, the bet365 online live casino of the Asia-Europe Languages and Culture College held a branch secretary working meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yuwen Yongkang, secretary of the bet365 online live casino of the college, and attended by branch secretaries Yang Gan, Liu Shan, Jiang Min and Huang Lina.
At the meeting, Secretary Yuwen Yongkang led the participants to learn the "Work Points of the Xi'an Translation College Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2022" and gave instructions on the current problems of each branch of the Eurasian bet365 online live casino: 1. Identity of current student party members The feeling is not high, and some student party members do not consciously and proactively play a pioneering and exemplary role in the daily work of the school.
Next, the secretaries of each branch conducted reflections and exchanges on the problems existing in their branches based on the "Work Points of the Xi'an Translation College Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2022". Finally, in order to promote the effective implementation of various tasks, the meeting arranged and deployed the key points and completion progress of the bet365 online live casino work of the Asia-Europe Languages and Culture Institute in 2022.
The bet365 online live casino of the Asia-European Languages and Culture College held a branch secretary working meeting