The 49th training class for party members and candidates of the school party committee and bet365 online casino app was held in the academic lecture hall of the school library
The training course is not only the most basic requirement for training candidates to join the bet365 online casino app
Li Xueying also gave an in-depth explanation on three aspects: "Why to join the bet365 online casino app", "What is a Communist bet365 online casino app member" and "How to become a qualified bet365 online casino app member"
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It also helps the school further implement the bet365 online casino app Central Committee’s policy on developing bet365 online casino app members in the new era
The bet365 online casino app of the Western Translation Party Committee held the 49th training class for party members and candidates
Li Xueying, executive vice president of the bet365 online casino app of the School Party Committee, presided over the opening ceremony and made a mobilization report