To welcome the 75th anniversary bet365 online live casino founding of New China,To inspire and demonstrate the powerful power of teachers and students in colleges and universities to forge ahead on a new journey to strengthen the country,The Ministry of Education organizes relevant topics for key universities to focus on building a strong country,Carry out the demonstration micro-party class of university party organizations on "taking on the new mission of education and striving for a new journey to strengthen the country"。
September bet365 app download 4th afternoon,The Party Branch bet365 online live casino Office of Admissions and External Cooperation organized all party members and comrades to watch the first lecture bet365 online live casino 2024 University Party Organization Demonstration Micro-Party Course (Second Phase) "Adhering to the "Trinity" of Educational, Scientific and Technological Talents",Strive to write a grand chapter of Chinese modernization》。
This micro party class is based on "taking on the new mission of education,Strive for a new journey to strengthen the country” as the theme,by Peking University、University bet365 app download of Science and Technology of China、Nankai University、Xiamen University、Shandong University、Co-taught by representatives from 6 colleges and universities in Wuhan University,Rich content,Has a strong ideological nature、Theoretical and guiding。Through policy interpretation by various universities、Deeds of outstanding people、Wonderful explanation of typical examples,Everyone understands more clearly,Education、Technology、Talent is the foundation of Chinese modernization、Strategic support,On the journey bet365 online live casino of the new era,We must further promote education、Technology、Collaborative and integrated development of the “Trinity” of talents,The powerful force that continues to inspire a new journey to become a powerful nation,Promote high-quality development of schools with practical actions。
The Party Branch bet365 online live casino Office of Admissions and External Cooperation watched the demonstration micro-party class of party organizations in colleges and universities