On June 30, the Asia-bet365bet365 best bookmaker Institute invited Professor Wu Shaohua from the Japanese major of Xi'an International Studies University, Professor Zhang Shisheng from the German major, Associate Professor Xiang Zheng from the French major, Associate Professor Cao Wei from the Spanish major, Professor Sun Jinqiu from the Korean major, and Shaanxi Normal University Professor Meng Xia, majoring in Russian, reviewed the 2023 undergraduate thesis.
The expert group conducted a comprehensive and detailed review of the papers in the corresponding majors. Leaders of the Asia-bet365bet365 best bookmaker Institute, heads of various majors, supervisors and experts communicated with each other on the academic standards of graduation thesis and the improvement of the quality of translation practice reports.
The college will continue to organize teachers to complete relevant rectification work according to the expert review opinions, and further modify and improve the graduation bet365bet365 best bookmaker guidance rules.