On June 25-26, the 10th Asia-Pacific bet365 mobile app Forum (APTIF10), co-sponsored by the International Federation of Translators and the Translators Association of China and hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University, was held in Beijing. Nearly 300 experts, scholars, and industry leaders from universities, language service industries, and language technology companies in the Asia-Pacific region from 35 countries and regions participated in the online forum to communicate and discuss "Cooperation in the World of bet365 mobile app."
In the report, Professor Liu Ming introduced the specific situation of early cooperative bet365 mobile app in China from three aspects: early relay bet365 mobile app in China, early cooperation between early Chinese translators, and early Chinese official bet365 mobile app agencies, and pointed out that current bet365 mobile app activities are still Lessons can be learned from early collaborative translations in China.
Professor Liu Ming’s bet365 mobile app has been highly praised by many experts and scholars, demonstrating the profound academic quality of our school teachers. Professor Liu Ming also conducted active exchanges and discussions with other experts and scholars, and achieved good academic exchange results.
A Spanish bet365 mobile app teacher gave an academic report at the 10th Asia-Pacific bet365 mobile app Forum