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The handover ceremony of books allocated from the library to the College of bet365 online games and Technology was successfully held

Author: Correspondent: Hu Yaming Editor: Zhu Aijuan Source: College of bet365 online games and Technology Published: 2021-04-09 Clicks:

In order to support discipline construction and highlight professional characteristics, our school library has allocated a number of professional books to the School of bet365 online games and Technology. The handover ceremony was successfully held on the afternoon of April 7 in the lobby on the first floor of the library. Library Director Pei Shihe, Deputy Director Hou Yongxing, Honorary Dean Ge Haibo, Vice Dean Zhi Kanmai and other leaders of the School of bet365 online games and Technology attended the handover ceremony.

Pei Shihe said in his speech that a total of 392 books were allocated to the College of bet365 online games and Technology this time, aiming to provide materials for teachers’ teaching and scientific research and to provide students with professional guidance books. It is hoped that teachers and students of the College of bet365 online games and Technology will actively borrow books, and the library will continue to provide targeted books to the College of bet365 online games and Technology in the future.

In his speech, Ge Haibo, on behalf of all the teachers and students of the School of bet365 online games and Technology, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the library for this allocation of professional books. Ge Haibo emphasized that these professional books play a very important role in the development of bet365 online games and technical colleges, construction of disciplines and majors, talent training, and construction of first-class courses.

Finally, Pei Shihe handed over the allocated books to Ge Haibo, Dean of the College of bet365 online games and Technology, on behalf of the library.

The handover ceremony of books allocated from the library to the College of bet365 online games and Technology was successfully held

Professional books allocated by the library to the College of bet365 online games and Technology
