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The online and offline bet365.bet365.com of the 2020 undergraduate thesis (design) of the School of Education of our school was successfully held

Author: Zhao Haibo Editor: Ma Lijuan Source: bet365.com of Education Published: 2020-05-18 Clicks:

On May 16, 2020, the School of Education of our school organized an online and offline bet365.com of the 2020 undergraduate thesis (design). A total of 540 students participated in this bet365.com. In order to ensure that all students can successfully participate in the graduation thesis bet365.com, this thesis bet365.com adopts a combination of online bet365.com and offline bet365.com. 466 students participated in the offline bet365.com and 74 students participated in the online bet365.com. There were 16 students in total.

According to the bet365.com work arrangement and work requirements, the School of Education held working meetings for bet365.com teachers and bet365.com secretaries through Tencent Classroom to arrange the graduation thesis bet365.com work. Three bet365.com teachers and one bet365.com secretary form a bet365.com team. Each bet365.com team establishes a bet365.com team working group in advance to communicate various bet365.com work procedures and precautions to students in a timely and effective manner. At the same time, the online bet365.com team will conduct the bet365.com before the official bet365.com.

After the bet365.com begins, the bet365.com team leader will explain the bet365.com process, bet365.com rules, and precautions. After the students’ formal bet365.com begins, each student will use PPT to review the topic selection, background, research methods, main content, and innovation of the paper. The main points, references, etc. will be elaborated; then the bet365.com team teacher will ask questions about the content of the paper and point out existing problems as well as comments and suggestions for modification.

The students participating in this graduation thesis (design) bet365.com are the second undergraduate graduates of the School of Education, and they are caught up in the special period of the epidemic. However, the School of Education has always insisted on not relaxing all aspects of the graduation thesis (design) work. The principles of quality assurance and responsibility ensure timely, adequate, scientific and effective guidance for each student's graduation thesis, and the successful completion of the online and offline bet365.com of the 2020 undergraduate thesis (design).

The online and offline bet365.com of the 2020 undergraduate thesis (design) of the School of Education is in progress
